Meeting Minutes: July 2021

July meeting called to order July 22, 2021, 19:01.
RE REPORT-Melissa Mauro.  June minutes passed as posted.
Treasurer Report-Alan Lesher.  Expenses for June were discussed.  Overall, down for the year but finances July income is not reported yet.
Membership Report-Andrew Lobb.  9 new members.  Currently at 460 members.
Website/Squeal-Jake Limm.  Similar numbers for Squeal open rate.  Rallysprint page is being built for the website.
Facebook Report-Jason Felty. 24 new members approved.  6 declined requests.
Autocross Report-Melissa Mauro, Chris Brown.  Recap of the Fiat Club event Friday, June 25.  Fiat Club members has a good time.  Fiat Club is letting Susquehanna SCCA keep profits from the event.  Recap of 7/22 event.  Lightning cause cancellation of PM session.  Refunds to be issued to those who did not get a chance to run.  All points from the PM event are thrown out.  Upcoming August 7th event is on schedule.  Test and tune event to be held August 21 in conjunction with a Rallycross points event.
Rallycross Report-John Roscinski, Nick Landis.  Recap of June 26 and July 10 events.  Discussion of event that occurred during the July event.  Looking into having adequate safety stewards on course.  Three more rallycross events remain.
Rallysprint Report-Nick Landis.  Event went extremely well.  Feedback was well received with a possible test and tune in late August.
Old Business
Old Trophies-Melissa Mauro.  Melissa to donate old trophies to local museums.
New Business-Melissa Mauro.  New cones are needed.  Motion made to purchase new cones for grid as well as course cones (price TBD).  Seconded and passed unanimously.
Motion made to donate $100 in honor of Jeff Wozniak.  Seconded and passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 19:53.
Special Board Meeting Aug 7, 2021, 08:30.
Motion made to remove Kristen Poole from the Susquehanna SCCA bank account, keep Alan Lesher on as treasurer, and add Melissa Mauro as the new Regional Executive onto the bank account.  The motion is made to remove Kristen Poole as an account signer, as well as removing her debit card and all associated services.  The motion will allow Melissa Mauro to become a signer on the account, and have a debit card and any necessary services with the account.  Nothing will change for Alan Lesher who is already on the account.   Motion seconded and passed with six board members, as one was not present at the special meeting. Motion was passed unanimously with all members present.
Meeting adjourned. 08:32.

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