Meeting Minutes: June 2023

June 2023 Membership Meeting

SCCA – Susquehanna Region

  • Meeting called to order on June 29, 2023 at 7:01pm
  • Minutes from the May meeting were approved as posted
  • RE Report: Melissa Mauro
    • No report
  • Treasurer’s Report: Alan Lesher
    • Autocross, Rallycross, RallySprint, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
    • Informal financial review: Melissa will seek 3-5 accounting-minded individuals to help with an informal financial review
  • Communication Report – Website and Squeal: Jake Limm
    • Sequel went out successfully 43.9% open rate, 1.7% clickthrough rate
    • Website is down in viewership. 2000 unique users last month (6.5% lower than month before)
    • Jake will look into WordPress alternative – so it will be a little easier to access and modify compared to what we are using now.
  • Facebook update: Jason Felty
    • For the main Facebook group, the following number of new follower were:
      • 20 approved
      • 9 declined
      • 20 blocked
    • For the rallycross group there was:
      • 4 approved
      • 7 declined
      • 4 blocked
  • Membership report: Melissa Mauro for Greg Szczyrbak
    • 8 new members
    • Total membership is 488 total members
  • Autocross Report: Rob
    • Event was successful – used a course similar to 2021
    • Car number update went into the squeal – no leading zeros will be allowed moving forward
    • Potential new venue for autocross. The August 12 Autocross even may be moved to the following weekend if this new venue comes through.
  • Rallycross Report: John Roscinski
    • 34 competitors at the last event.
    • Overall the event went well, even with missing normal timing staff
  • Road Rally: Adam Dellinger
    • South Mountain Partnership is in support of this event, and we will get help with promotion through their network to hopefully get more people in attendance
    • Big Hill Ciderworks (cider maker and member of the South Mountain Partnerships) will host launch point and ending point for the event at their taphouse in Gardners PA
    • Big Hill will arrange for a food truck, and can provide beverages for participants
    • To help with getting the word out and promoting the event, Big Hill will also host a Cars and Coffee the morning of the event (which is planned for October 22) at the Big Hill facility
    • Adam and Mike Chilcote will work on a grant application through the South Mountain Partnership to help cover expenses, so we can lower registration fees for the participants and keep it open and available to all.
  • Old business
    • Timing computers
      • Rallycross – MS Surface can work with wifi with our own hotspot. Around $450 with accessories
      • Autocross – 17” laptop that costs 1299 for 899 on sale ($950 with accessories)
      • Motion to approve $1500 in computer purchases unanimously approved
    • Marcus will look into getting a “stronger” signal hotspot.
    • New chief shirts are ordered
  • New Business
    • No new business
  • Meeting adjourned at 8:01pm

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