Meeting Minutes: March 2021

March meeting called to order March 25, 2021, 19:17.

RE REPORT-Melissa Mauro.  Feburary minutes passed as posted.  New sponsors for 2021 were discussed.

Treasurer Report-Alan Lesher.  Membership income and software expenses were discussed.  Finances for the upcoming season were discussed.  Financial audit was discussed.  Recurring expenses will continue as were noted in financial audit; to be reviewed on a yearly basis.
Membership Report-Andrew Lobb.  16 new members.  Currently at 401  members.
Website Squeal-Jake Limm. Squeal had 27.5% open rate.  10% engagement rate.  Discussion was had to get more open rates and engagement from members.  Website was discussed to be updated.  Committee was formed to meet and discuss needed website changes and updates.
Facebook Report-Jason Felty (read by Andrew Lobb). 36 new members approved.  4 declined request.  1 user was blocked.  All is well on the Facebook group.
Autocross Report-Melissa Mauro.  Season opener event is a test event with small luncheon and awards for members and award winners.
Rallycross Report-John Roscinski, Nick Landis.  Schedule is set in stone.  Worker chiefs were finalized.
Rallysprint Report-Nick Landis.  Course work was done two weeks ago.  Drainage issues were noticed after a heavy rain the night before.  Event was pushed out to May 8 due to extra time needed to prepare the course.
Old Business-Melissa Mauro.  Chief and chair appreciation discounts were discussed.  Motioned made by Rob Springer for all chairs and chiefs to pay $20 per event.  Seconded by Rich Thomas.  Board only vote.  6 members for, 1 against (Jared McGahen).
Loaner Helmets-Melissa Mauro.  Loaner helmets are ready to ship out and will be shipped out in the next few days.
New Business-Melissa Mauro.  Motion made it get new shirts for the new and chief members.  Motion made for $450.  Seconded and passed.

Meeting adjourned at 20:07.

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