Meeting Minutes: May 2022

May 2022 Membership Meeting

SCCA – Susquehanna Region

  • Meeting called to order on May 26, 2022 at 7:16pm
  • Minutes from the April meeting were approved as written
  • RE Report: Melissa Mauro
    • New title sponsor on board
      • Daily’s Automotive – they took $200 off our bill to become a sponsor
  • Treasurer’s Report: Alan Lesher
    • Autocross, Rallycross, RallySprint, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
  • Membership report: Melissa Mauro
    • Susquehanna has gained 20 new region members since January
    • 60 members added YTD
    • Total membership is 500 members
  • Communication Report – Website and Squeal: Jake Limm
    • For the Squeal, there was 53% open rate, about 6% click through and around 900 total recipients
    • Website – The website is broken and we really need some help from someone that knows WordPress
      • Greg will take a look at it – but he’s not sure if he can fix it. Still need someone permanent to take on maintenance.
  • Facebook update
    • 1900 members in main group
    • 1200 members in RallyCross group
  • Autocross Report: Chris Brown
    • Recap of the 4/30 event – first event of the year, was a little rusty. Want to change a few things up to keep things moving faster between run groups
      • Looking at buying an airhorn to help with this by giving a 2 or 5 minute warning.
    • Bendigo airport test and tune – went pretty well. Seems like a viable venue. Owners are very willing to work on the group
    • Melissa and Chris went to go meet with Capital City Police Officers – club is looking to partner to Capital Police for events at the farm show, maybe for a charity event.
    • One of the officers is coming out on June 4 on his off time to check and it out. Maybe lead to having a “cops vs autocrosser” event.
    • Police are also interested in handing out business cards with SCCA club info encouraging people that they give tickets to, to encourage them to take aggressive driving off the street. The back of the card would include a $5 off discount code for an event. There is a small membership fund that hasn’t had a lot of action with it, so that fund would be available to pay for this discount.
    • There was discussion about how Susquehanna SCCA cannot accommodate people on motorcycles, dirt bikes, atvs
    • A motion was made to put the discount code on the back of the card, and see how much it’s used. This motion passed with full Board approval.
  • Rallycross: John Roscinski
    • Event had 37 competitors
    • Tried to run an expedited event due to rain, due to red flags and incidents
    • There was a rollover, but no injuries
    • While there was a number of red flags, overall the event ran ok
  • RallySprint: Nick Landis/Adam Moore
    • First event held last weekend. Weather was hot, there was a lot of snakes.
      • 6 registrations for Saturday, 3 registrations for Sunday. However, all but one Sunday competitor broke their cars so the Sunday event was cancelled
      • Competitors were still charged for Sunday, and we got credits with EMS and Rousch creek for future events
    • Level 2 rules changes – Adam Kimmet got a checklist approved from national for tech inspection level 2
      • Alan Gouker will be getting certified for level 2 log booking
    • Nick would like to create a RallySprint open forum open to anyone/board members that have questions/concerns about RallySprint.
    • Chief perks that are available to AutoCross and RallyCross are not currently available to the RallySpring core group
    • Nick made a motion that RallySprint core group become eligible for RallyCross events like a RallyCross Chief, for those that don’t already get a discount through their involvement with other programs
      • Melissa explained that AutoCross Core gets a discount at AutoCross, RallyCross Chiefs get a discount for RallyCross events, but the discounts don’t cross between events. Because of the newness of the program, Melissa, through it might be a good idea to offer a discount to RallySprint Core to get a discount for one event of their choosing.
      • Nick made a motion that mirrored Melissa’s suggestion, passed with full Board approval
    • Adam More discussed total expenses and income for the most recent event.
    • This RallySprint event did not have a lot of volunteers, so they had course workers placed where they could help keep keep jeeps off the course.
    • Overall attendance was down in theory because there was a stage rally event right before this event (Bristol)
  • Road Rally: Mike Chilcote
    • Dave Chilcote submitted his paperwork to become a Safety Steward for Road Rally.
  • Old Business
    • Shirts 101 is going to send a catalog with new options b/c they are switching vendors
    • Truck maintenance has been completed
  • New Business
    • None
  • Good and Welfare
    • None
  • Meeting adjourned at 8:23

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