Meeting Minutes: May 2023

May 2023 Membership Meeting

SCCA – Susquehanna Region

  • Meeting called to order on May 25, 2023 at 7:42pm
  • Minutes from the April meeting were approved as posted
  • RE Report: Melissa Mauro
    • No report
  • Treasurer’s Report: Alan Lesher
    • Autocross, Rallycross, RallySprint, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
  • Membership report: Melissa Mauro for Greg Szczyrbak
    • 6 new members
    • Total membership is 491 total members
  • Communication Report – Website and Squeal: Jake Limm
    • Website still works, but we are currently looking at potentially jumping to a new host for the site
    • Sequel went out successfully
    • Google Analytics – action will be needed in the future to make sure that we can continue to pull data
      • Markus has login information for the google account associated with this feature
  • Facebook update: Mellissa Mauro for Jason Felty
    • For the main Facebook group, the following number of new follower were:
      • 36 approved
      • 13 declined
    • For the rallycross group there was:
      • 16 approved
      • 10 declined
      • 1 blocked
  • Autocross Report: Chris Brown
    • First two events went well – some insignificant incidents occurred, but overall things went well. Overall, it was a good start to the season.
    • There have been many requests from members to duplicate the last course at a future event (in dry weather), so over the next two events Rob might redo some elements of that course
    • Going to try giving out worker assignments will be given out the morning on the registration table.
      • Other regions will actually write worker assignments on the wristband.
      • This is a work in progress, and the club will continue to refine the process. Discussion to be continued.
  • Rallycross Report: John Roscinski
    • 43 competitors at the last event. Considering we had less Chiefs in attendance than normal, things went very well.
    • The York Rake works well on our course, John would like to keep it for track upkeep.
    • Discussion about grid cones – RallyCross needs grid cones to be set in chronological order on race day, but Autocross program does’t use those the same way.
      • After autocross events, the grid cones are out of order because they don’t use the cones the same way RallyCross does
      • Autocross will try to keep those in better order when stacking them in the truck after events. If that becomes too much of a hassle, the club may just buy 25 new grid cones so rallycross can just keep the numbered grid cones separate for their use.
  • Road Rally: Adam Dellinger
    • Adam reached out to leadership of South Mountain Partnership to explain the concept of a scavenger hunt style road rally, and gauge their support for things like prizes from the community, or help with promotion
    • Leadership of the partnership was very interested, and was going to run the concept by the relevant committee for thoughts, and get back to us by mid-June.
    • The event date is October 21
  • Old business
    • Timing computers
      • Various models and options were discussed
      • MS Surface can work with wifi with our own hotspot
    • A few autocross chiefs need to provide shirt sizes before we can put in the order.
  • New Business
    • Hosting service needs to be changed
      • Live Timing is unreliable
      • New options will costs a little less (as low as $5.25/mo to $16/mo)
      • New hosting needs cPanel
      • Kenny said that if we do switch hosts – we have paid for the full year so we will use some “value” in what was already pre-paid
      • Motion to switch the web host to a cheaper/better service passed
    • Club welcomes representatives from Hanover Toyota, the club’s newest sponsor
  • Meeting adjourned at 8:38pm

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