Meeting Minutes: November 2022

November 2022 Membership Meeting


  • Meeting called to order on Nov 17, 2022 at 7:04pm
  • Minutes from the October meeting were approved as posted
  • RE Report: Melissa Mauro
    • Sanction fees going up for 2023, but exact amount unknown at this point.
  • Treasurer’s Report: Alan Lesher
    • Autocross, Rallycross, RallySprint, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
    • Insurance policy for the truck needs to be revisited. Current club truck policy does not include coverage for truck’s contents
      • Marcus will inventory materials and supplies so we know the value of the content to insure.
      • Once we have an approximate value of contents, club should shop around for alternative insurance providers
  • Membership report: Mike Chilcote
    • Total membership is 473 members
    • New/renew since October – one member
    • Club gained 94 new/renew region members since January
  • Communication Report – Website and Squeal: Jake Limm
    • The Squeal had slightly over 45.76% open rate, 4.25% click through rate
    • Website continues overall downward trend for use, as typical during the off season
  • Facebook update: Jason Felty
    • Rally Facebook Group membership currently sitting at 1299 members (1% growth rate)
    • Main Susquehanna SCCA Club Facebook page membership is 2124 (1% growth rate)
  • Autocross Report: Rob
    • Match tour – successful year-end event for the club
    • The team is looking at several lots for 2023
  • Rallycross: John Roscinski
    • Bendigo airport is out of consideration for RX competition, will look into another potential location around Gettysburg.
    • Still looking at doing some potential maintenance on the course.
      • Potential use of club member personal tractor, as well as the new York Rake
  • RallySprint: Nick Landis
    • Last event of the season was Nov 5, 2022.
    • There was one cancellation, the club kept the fee per policy.
    • 8 entries showed up, lots of runs available to competitors
    • A few cars sustained minor damage, but nothing out of the ordinary, and all attendees were happy with event.
    • Penn State Berks SAE club came out to volunteer and invited Susquehanna membership out to their car club events/shows
    • The new York Rake did a good job with course maintenance
      • Looking to get some maintenance done on this rake if possible
        • “Cadillac level” repairs would be around $640
      • Grader tire had been damaged, will cost around $700 to fix. Exact cost TBD.
      • etted a profit of $527.56 for the last event
  • Old Business
    • Shirt pricing – Greg S found polo shirts that were comparable (and a little nicer) than our current ones
      • Program Chiefs and Chairs will review options
    • Cars and Coffee Harrisburg – SCCA Membership invited to attend
      • Held at the Colonial Park Mall at Dec 11
      • Information to be published on Facebook page
  • Banquet
    • First banquet meeting happened
      • Picked out trophies and regional awards
      • Logistic items still be determined. Adam Dellinger and Mike Chilcote will assist Melissa.
    • Melissa has already checked in about the jackets that we picked and supplier has plenty in stock so we should be good there.
  • New Business
    • Board Elections
      • Secretary Adam Dellinger announced that all Board Positions were uncontested, so the positions up for election for 2023 were filled as follows:
        • Director (3yr) – Jason Felty
        • Assistant Regional Executive – Mike Chilcote
        • Regional Executive – Melissa Mauro
        • Secretary – Adam Dellinger
        • Treasurer – Alan Lesher
      • Secretary made a motion for a unanimous ballet to accept the positions as written
        • 6 approved, 1 absent unanimous for passing/acceptance of the slate of board of directions.
      • Club will continue rotating monthly meeting locations in 2023
        • Future meeting locations may be suggested by current board members or regular meeting attendees
        • May try to focus on 2-3 good solid locations that we can rotate through regularly so make it easier for planning and publishing meeting locations well in advance
      • 2023 planning meeting will be held in December after we hold the budget meeting
  • Good and Welfare
    • Board welcomed a new meeting attendee interested in Autocross
    • Melissa wished everyone Happy Thanksgiving
  • Meeting adjourned at 8:06pm

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