RE Report. Kristen Poole-previous minutes passed as posted.
Treasurer Report. Alan Lesher. Autocross and Rallycross income were reviewed. Membership income was reviewed. Merchandise income was reviewed. Autocross expenses were reviewed.
Website/Squeal Report. Jake Limm. Squeal has a 23% open rate. Website has a 5.5% uptick in users however time spent on the website has decreased.
Facebook Report. Kristen Poole. Nothing to report.
Membership Report. Kristen Poole. Membership chair was vacant and has been filled by Andrew Lobb. Currently as 389 members.
Autocross report. Chris Brown. Recap of events 8,9, 10. Mini Match Tour was a success and there was a lot of good feedback for it. A survey will be sent out to gather feedback for the season. Discussions were made to encourage more hill climb members to come out to autocross events after a large turnout at the 9/29 event. Discussions were made on revamping the venue search with more literature and presentation for potential locations.
Rallycross Report. John Roscinski & Nick Landis. Recap of 10/19 event. 48 competitors. Discussions for winter plans to do course maintenance were discussed. Rallycross received notice that they cannot use the Spooky Lot rallycross location anymore.
Street Survival Report. Melissa Mauro. TRSS is no longer being hosted by Susquehanna Region SCCA for November 3 event.
Road Rally Report. Lisa Leathery. Road Rally was a great success with weather cooperating as well. Discussions for a possible spring rally were brought up.
Old Business:
Nominiations for 2020 board positions. Kristen Poole & Jared McGahen. Alan Lesher was nominated for Treasurer and accepted. Jared McGahen was nominated for Secretary and accepted. Andy Bierach was nominated for Secretary and accepted. Melissa Mauro was nominated for Assistant RE and declined. Nick Landis was nominated for Assistant RE and accepted. Bryan Roper was nominated for Assistant RE and accepted. Andy Bierach was nominated for the Director position and declined. Mike Chilcote was nominated for the Director position and accepted. Chris Brown was nominated for Director position and accepted. Melissa Mauro was nominated for RE and accepted.
New Business:
Helmets expiring. Nick Landis. All the snell 2005 rental helmets will be expiring at the end of this season and considerations should be made on replacing them.
2021 Banquet location Melissa Mauro. With using Spooky Nook for autocross, it was looked at using their banquet facilities to host a future banquet. It is nearly a $2500 price difference using Spooky Nook.
Trophy and Banquet Meeting Kristen Poole. Meeting set for November 14.
Meeting Minutes: October 2019

Meeting called to order at 19:03.
Adjourned at 20:22.