Meeting Minutes: October 2022

October 2022 Membership Meeting

SCCA – Susquehanna Region

  • Meeting called to order on Oct 27, 2022 at 7:03pm
  • Minutes from the September meeting were approved as posted
  • RE Report: Melissa Mauro
    • The PA Hill Climb Association holds a banquet every year. Melissa emailed the Board members outside of the regular meeting to request approval to submit an advertisement in the program congratulating members for their season. Cost is $100 to include in their banquet brochure. Unanimously approved.
  • Treasurer’s Report: Alan Lesher
    • Autocross, Rallycross, RallySprint, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
  • Membership report: Greg Szczyrbak
    • Total membership is 478 members
    • New/renew since Sept – 4
    • Susquehanna has gained 94 new/renew region members since January
    • Membership survey response –
      • Didn’t respond – 202
      • Club racing – 155
      • Pro Racing – 53
      • Rally – 53
      • Rallycross – 69
      • Leadership – 1
      • Track Days – 25
      • Solo – 183
      • Time Trials – 26
      • Street Survival – 2
    • Program Chairs should think about doing surveys of membership to find out more information regarding what club membership is looking for or get suggestions for improvement.
    • Club will circle back to the topic of attending a Cars and Coffee event as a group, in the spring
  • Communication Report – Website and Squeal: Jake Limm
    • The Squeal, there was slightly over 49% open rate
    • 3% click through rate, which is a little better than usual (thanks to the pretty blue BMW picture)
    • “Choose your Own Citrus Rally” and “Event registration for events 9 & 10” were top hits on the website
    • Overall trending downward on website usage, likely due to the season wrapping up.
  • Facebook update: Jason Felty
    • Rally Facebook Group membership currently sitting at 1294 members (1% growth rate)
    • Main Susquehanna SCCA Club Facebook page membership is 2100+ (1% growth rate)
  • Autocross Report: Chris Brown
    • Group discussion about drawing a course map ahead of the event so people can see where they are. This will be something to try in future events.
    • Autocross leadership reaffirmed the importance of the inclusion statement for the events to make a comfortable and enjoyable venue for everyone.
    • Match tour event will include 3 extra prizes: 1 for top dog, 1 for underdog, 1 for Lucky Dog. There was a motion to award three $40 coupons as prizes (gift card for free event).
      • Motion passed unanimously.
    • Live timing – all timing information needs to be put on google drive. Marcus indicated it’s on the google drive, so Melissa will follow up on this.
      • Marcus is going to share procedures
      • Melissa wants to do a budget review on all programs after the season wraps up. Ideally December, since all the deposits for the 2022 season will be submitted by then.
  • Rallycross: John Roscinski
    • Course maintenance will be needed after this season. Could incur a little bit of cost for materials and potentially need some assistance with labor
  • RallySprint: Nick Landis
    • Last event of the season will be Nov 5, 2022. This event will run until after dark, so there will be some night runs
    • There are currently 7 people registered for the event
    • Board passed a motion to allow Nick to buy a used York Rake that will help with maintenance for both the RS and RX courses
      • This rake should help with keep rocks off the course, and can be used for the RallyCross program to help smooth out the course. It is towable behind a pickup truck.
      • This should help reduce fuel costs by keeping the heavy equipment off the course
      • Price cap set at $1500
    • Nick is going to step back a little bit on running RallySprint events due to family obligations. Adam Moore will step in to fill the leadership role as needed.
    • Kyle is going to donate all the fuel costs for diesel fuel needed from this year.
  • Old Business
    • Shirt pricing – got some links to available shirts. Program Chiefs and Chairs will review.
  • Banquet
    • Program Chairs and Chiefs we need to find a time to go over things for the banquet – agreed to meet on Nov 2 starting with awards
    • Melissa is looking for banquet help and asked for some volunteers
      • Mike Chilcote, Adam Dellinger and Natalie Limm volunteered to help
    • January 14th is the target date for banquet this year. Date not official yet.
  • New Business
    • Board membership nominations
      • Secretary Adam Dellinger read the available position names, and nominations from general membership
        • Director (3yr) – Tia Cover (declined) and Jason Felty (accepted)
        • Assistant Regional Executive – Carl Mellinger (declined) and Mike Chilcote (accepted)
        • Regional Executive – Melissa Mauro (accepted) and Josh Wadel (declined)
        • Secretary – Natalie Limm (declined) and Adam Dellinger (accepted)
        • Treasurer – Ben Burkhart (declined) and Alan Lesher (accepted)
        • Voting will not be set up as all positions are uncontested.
  • Meeting adjourned at 8:17pm

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