Meeting Minutes: September 2019

Asst RE Report.  Melissa Mauro opened the meeting at 19:30 -previous minutes passed as posted.

Treasurer Report.  Alan Lesher, AX, RX, membership and sponsorship income, distribution, merchandise and YTD figures were reviewed.
Website Report. Jake Limm.  Website has 80% in unique users.  Reports show users are staying on the site longer.  No info on Squeal to report to due technical difficulties.
Facebook Report.  Melissa Mauro.  Currently sitting at 1315 members.  Overall in good standing.
Membership Report.  TJ Brillhart.  Latest report shows 392 members.
Autocross report.  Chris Brown & Melissa Mauro.  44 Susquehanna members attended the September Pocono joint event.  Updates on the Sept 29 events were discussed.  Cap was increased.  Match Tour is planned for October 5&6 event with a planned three points events with a pax tournament on Sunday. Awards for tournament winners for as a free banquet entry was motioned and passed.
Rallycross Report.  John Roscinski & Nick Landis. Recap of 9/7 event.  Logistics of longer courses was discussed with possible need for more equipment if events like it continue.  Discussions on how to increase rallycross participation and retention took place.
Street Survival Report.  Melissa Mauro.  TRSS is set for November 3rd and marks a historic 50th event of the year.
Road Rally Report.  Lisa Leatherly.  4 people have signed up as of now.  Email blast was recommended to increase sign ups and event awareness.
Old Business
Cars and cookout.  Austin Baker.  About 25 people showed.  Several attendees showed interest in autocross.
New Business
Turn up the Pink. John Roscinski-Event was a success.  Plans to attend next year were discussed with possible more member attendance and information.
Adjourned at 20:54.

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