Member Spot: Kristen Poole

Name: Kristen PooleKristen Poole

From: New Cumberland, PA
Runs: Autocross, Vintage Road Racing
Drives: You’ve probably seen me out in DS at autocross in my 2009 WRX hatch, but I also road race a 1970 Porsche 914/6.
Member since: 2015
Other: 2016 Assistant Regional Executive, autocross registration chief, region safety steward, editor of the Squeal, webmaster

If you’ve come through autocross registration this year — or joined us at a regional meeting — you’ve probably already met me. I knew I wanted to race when my dad bought a 1967 Porsche 911 and started racing about 15 years ago. I always enjoyed going to the races with him, especially when I could take a ride along on the track. I started autocrossing in 2014, and this year I finally got my chance to race the Porsche with my dad. Nothing beats 150mph down the front straight into turn one… and I do mean nothing.

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