Member Spot: Shawn Mellinger

Name: Shawn Mellingershawn-mellinger

From: Lancaster, PA
Runs: Autocross, Road Racing, Hillclimb
Drives: My main car is a 2004 Mazdaspeed Miata in BSP that I run for autox, time trials, and hillclimbs. I also campaign a 95 Honda Del Sol in the 24 Hours of LeMons.
Member since: 2012

I started running autox with no other kinds of racing experience. That got me hooked quickly and I wanted more. I’ve been slowly converting my Miata from a nice street car to a more purpose built race car. That has paid off with a few records in BSP at hill climbs this year. I started running LeMons with a local team as a way to get wheel to wheel experience and that has been a blast as well.

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