Member Spot: Darian Taggart

Name: Darian Taggart
From: East Earl, PA
Runs: Autocross
Drives: 2005 Mazda 3 in the STF class
Member Since: Early 2016

You may have seen Darian around one of the many AX events from last year but you may not know his background. Darian has spent his life living in Lancaster county. He cut his racing teeth on motorcycles. After participating in many motorcycle races, he decided to give 4-wheel racing a try. While he is a newcomer to the autocross scene, he certainly jumped in with both feet, making an impression at his first event with his enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge. He has really shown a willingness not only to learn, but to participate in every aspect of the club. You can normally find Darian working in any number of assignments and actively assisting other members in any way possible. We look forward to seeing the heights this new member will achieve.

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