Member Spot: Vince Gladfelter

Name: Vince GladfelterVince
From: Mechanicsburg, PA
Runs: Autocross, Road Racing, Hillclimb
Drives: Vintage race, autocross and hillclimbs a 1972 BMW 2002TII in FSP and Group 8 in SVRA. Autocross 2006 Mini Cooper, also co-drives in some road racing and hillclimbing in Bill Miller III 2001 Audi S4 in ITE.
Member since: Too long to remember!

Been autocrossing since 1976, my father toted me along to autocross and hillclimbs through the 60s and 70s so I couldn’t wait to autocross! First autocross at HBG East Mall in 1974 Vega GT Wagon against Forrest Graeff, another fossil! It progressed from there. Then bought a Solo Vee from Henry Brillinger and that’s when we started to step things up. Won many things in that car, alltime fave! Progressed to a Formula Ford and won a few championships, and also co-drove with Denny Anderson in his S2000 Royal for many wins!

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