Racing News

Puttering Around PA: July 2017

Are you finding that the racing bug has bitten you? Are you finding it harder and harder to wait for our upcoming events? Well, if this sounds like you, take a look at what the other clubs around us are …

Puttering Around PA: June 2017

Are you finding that since we have successfully completed Events 1 and 2 in our region the racing bug has bitten harder than normal? Are you finding it harder and harder to wait for our upcoming events? Well, if this …

Puttering Around PA: May

Are you finding that since we have successfully completed Events 1 and 2 in our region the racing bug has bitten harder than normal? Are you finding it harder and harder to wait for our upcoming events? Well, if this …

Puttering Around PA: April

Having successfully completed Susq Solo Events 1 and 2 at the end of March are you seeing that the racing bug has bitten you a little harder than normal? Do you find it is harder and harder to wait for …

Puttering Around PA: March

We have successfully made it past our March Blizzard! The parking lots in the area are starting to melt. This can only mean one thing, Spring is on the way! We all know the best thing about spring is breaking …

Puttering Around PA: February

Happy almost Spring Susquehanna Members! As the weather starts its warming trend, events around the area also start heating up. Can’t wait for our first Hershey events March 25 & 26? Are you are looking for a class or two? …

Puttering Around PA: November

The 2016 Solo and RallyCross season is coming to a close. While most regions are focusing primarily on their Membership Meetings and the November leadership changes a few of our sister regions have not yet completed their racing season. Below …

Weatherly Hillclimb Recap

September 17th and 18th was the Weatherly Hill Climb which many Susquehanna members participated in. From the moment I started hill climbing I was told “you have to run at the Weatherly Hill Climb”. I was intrigued, but with so …

Puttering Around PA: October

Thinking of running in some events not held by the Susquehanna Region? Not sure what is going on around us. Well, below you will find a small slice of some of the upcoming SCCA events in and around Pennsylvania and …

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