Blog Posts


What kind of helmet do I need?

You can find all of the rules for Solo from the SCCA on the Autocross Rules page of this site.…


How should I prepare my car for a race?

Your car should be well maintained, at the very least. Make sure to keep up with oil/fluid changes, check your brakes, etc. Remember that the timing belt is also very important. It should always be changed within the recommended service …


What do I do when I get there?

When you get to a Susquehanna SCCA Autocross event, the first step is to find a place to park. If you’re not sure where the paddock is located, simply watch where other competitors are parking and find a spot. Make …


What can I expect at a tech inspection?

Cars are checked for safety at each event, before your first run. Tech inspection is performed by experienced autocross drivers or committee members, and the inspection is friendly. Your car must have a working seat belt, working brakes, a secure …


Do I have to join the club to run in autocross?

No! Annual membership is not required. You can choose to pay a weekend membership fee of $15 to participate as a non-member. However, membership in Susquehanna (and national) SCCA does have it’s benefits including event fee discounts, newsletter …


Who do I need to contact to voice my opinion?

The Susquehanna SCCA meets monthly, except for the month of December. Check out our meetings page and the event calendar for more information on when we meet, and come join us! All members are welcome and encouraged to attend and …

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