Archive for Month: June 2019


Meeting Agenda: June 2019

June 27, 2019 — Member Meeting Agenda

RE’s Report — Poole

  • May minutes approval

Treasurer’s Report — Lesher

Membership Committee Report — Brillhart

  • Membership report

Club Communication

  • Website & Squeal report – Limm
  • Facebook report – Mauro
  • Report on email

Want to be a Solo Safety Steward?

You’re in luck! SCCA is now offering webinars that will count as your initial training. See the schedule below. Once your training is complete, you’ll just need to let us know and we’ll work to get you a few chances …

Meeting Minutes: May 2019

May 23, 2019

Meeting was brought to order @ 7:32pm by Kristen Poole. Prior minutes approved as posted.

  • RE Report — Kristen Poole
    • Truck Vandalism update: State Farm has closed out the claim with SCCA. Kristen has spoken with the

2019 RX Results Event #3 – 6/8

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