Autocross Novice Chiefs & Instructors


The Susquehanna Region SCCA is fortunate to have two dedicated novice chiefs — and a lot of other experienced drivers — to help anyone who is new to the sport and anyone who might just need a refresher course.

Course walk

Before the first heat at each event, Susquehanna Region holds a novice course walk where one of the novice chiefs (or an experienced autocrosser) will walk the group through the course. During the walk, they will explain what the cone positions mean, the best lines through the course and cone penalties, among a wide range of other tips and tricks for new drivers. The time of the course walk varies by event, so be sure to listen to the announcements once you arrive and plan to walk the course with them. If it’s your first time out, making it a point to be there could save you from going off course, so make it a point to get out there!


During each heat, there are instructors available to ride along with you and give you pointers. Whether it’s your first time out at autocross or you’re looking to hone your skills, this great group of dedicated members are a great resource to Susquehanna Region autocrossers. So when it’s your turn to get out on course, just look for the people in the grid with instructor badges and ask them to ride along!


We are fortunate to have a large group of experienced autocrossers who join us at each event. If your new, or you’re just looking for some pointers, never hesitate to speak up and ask questions. Most of the time, you’ll find the person you’re asking helpful and willing to share some advice.

Novice Chiefs

Dennis Latshaw — Email Dennis
Derek Latshaw


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