Member Spot: Christopher Benfer

Chris Benfer

Name: Christopher Benfer
From: Perkiomenville, PA
Runs: SCCA AutoCross and Track Night in America
Drives: Mazda RX-8 CS Class
Member Since: 2012

If you have been to a local Auto Cross event in the last few years you would have run into Chris. Chris is the Susquehanna Valley Region AX Chair. The AX Chair is responsible for the AX events that we all enjoy so much. We took Chris away from his duties long enough to ask him a few questions. Below is what he had to say:

I heard about autocrossing years ago from a co-worker.  I was driving a Saturn at the time and thought I’d be laughed at if I showed up. So, I waited for years until I bought my RX-8.  I wish I would have known better and come out sooner.  Maybe then I’d actually be a good driver by now.  🙂

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