Meeting Minutes: June 2018

June 28, 2018

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:35 by Kristen Poole. Prior minutes approved as posted.

RE Report — Kristen Poole

  • Membership Report: We are at 689 members as of today, 289 more than June 2017.
  • Announcements: Chris Benfer stepped down as Solo Chair due to time and travel conflicts. He will remain as Timing Chief. Kristen will step into the role as Interim Solo Chair until a replacement is appointed.

Monthly Reports:

  • Treasures report by Alan Lesher: AX, RX, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
  • Program Reports
    • AX report by Chris Brown/Kristen Poole:
      • Event recap — May 27th event went well. A post-event survey was sent, approximately 48% responded to the survey request. Survey results were shared.
      • AX School —School is going to be at the Carlisle Fairgrounds on July 1. We have 24 participants registered. Things are shaping up to be a successful event.
      • Upcoming events – July 8 & 22 are the next AX events to be held at the Farm Show complex. Courses will be designed by Rob Springer. There will be changes to grid and paddock location for the 7/22 event. All details will be publicized prior to the event.
    • RX report by John Roscinski:
      • Event Recap — The June event went smoothly with no major hiccups.
      • Course Maintenance – The drag beam is working well. Before the start of next season, we will need to rework the track with heavy equipment.
      • Timing Equipment (Bryan Roper) — Quotes and options will be available at the next meeting from Bryan Roper; due to some unforeseen issues no update is available right now.
  • Club Communication
    • Social Media & Web report by Doug Austin: The Facebook group continues to grow; we are close to 1,000 members.
    • Squeal Report by Melissa Mauro: Open and click rates are good. Member Spotlight is being removed from upcoming publications to start to simplify the process. Once again, it was stressed that items need to be to Melissa on time for publication. Moving forward, any committee chair not providing an update in time (or communicated to Melissa that it will be late) will be noted as such in the publication.
  • Special Committee Reports
    • Venue Committee Update (Chair, Chris Brown): There are upcoming meetings and continual contact with possible venue locations. More information will be coming.
    • Street Survival (Chair, Melissa Mauro): A meeting is set with a possible venue for Street Survival. More information will be available in July.
    • Woman’s Development (Lead, Melissa Mauro): No update this month.
    • North Eastern Division Mini Conference (Co-chairs, Kristen Poole & Melissa Mauro): Susquehanna region has agreed to host the 2019 NEDiv MiniCon. Contract has been signed and a section has been created on the website to host all details for this event.
    • Truck Committee:
      • The lights still need to be installed. The exterior signage still needs installed. The truck is inspected but the front ball joints need to be replaced asap. Markus to handle before next meeting.
      • The truck has not been listed or sold yet. Goal is to have the old truck sold by September 2018.
      • Sale of old timing equipment to BMR: No update was provided this month. Bryan Roper will provide an update in July.
      • The Ez-Up that is used for timing leaks. There are also issues with dust etc at RallyCross. Markus to check into waterproofing the top.  Solid walls are $40 each, half solid/half vinyl are $105 each. We need 2 clear and 1 solid sides. A motion was made to allocate $400.00 to purchase walls for 10ft EzUp. Motion was seconded and carried. Markus to purchase.
      • Trophies in truck: there no longer appears to be a need for a storage unit. This item is now closed.
    • Road Rally (Lisa Leathery): Lisa attended the Gettysburg RR School on June 19 and now has a better idea of what needs to happen to put on a Road Rally. The date of October 6th has been set for the Barn Road Rally. Eric and Dennis from Fredrick Maryland has stepped up to assist us in any way we need to put on this event. Kristen to add details to website.
    • Cars and Coffee (Lisa Leathery): We have 2 locations in agreement to host this event. The first is Radisson (Camp Hill) Parking lot which has been approved for 8/25. Lisa and Doug Austin  to work together to get all the details ready for the July meeting.

Old Business:

  1. Novice Taxi Magnets: We need to make sure the magnets get used at the next event. Chris Brown to make sure the magnets get out and get to the appropriate people.
  2. IRS Determination/501(c)4 (Melissa Mauro): After much research and communications with National we are current a C7 not-for-profit which is what we should be this year. Depending on the outcome of research National is doing, we may need to revisit this next year. Closed for 2018. 

New Business:

  1. Club Bank Changes Required: Kristen Poole (RE) and Allen Lesher (Treasurer) went to the bank to add Kristen to the SCCA account and get a Visa/MAC card for the account. While at the bank they were advised Steve Limbert is currently on the account. A motion was made to remove Steve and add Kristen to the account. Motion was seconded and unanimously carried.

Motion to Dismiss @ 20:28 seconded and accepted.

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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