Meeting Agenda: January 2020

January 22, 2020

Call to Order

RE’s Report — Mauro

  • November minutes
  • Charter
  • Annual Waivers
  • Sponsorships thus far (TheZebra & BigRentz)
  • Consideration of Financial Audit for 2019

Treasurer’s Report — Lesher

Membership Committee Report — Lobb

Club Communication

  • Website & Squeal report – Limm
  • Facebook report – Mauro

Autocross Committee Report — Mauro/Brown

  • Survey results from final season events
  • Discussion for 2020 Committee Members
  • Plan for AX/RX Chair meeting to be held prior to February planning meeting
  • Present plan for venue committee moving forward

Rallycross Committee Report Report — Roscinski / Landis

  • Appointment of Alan Gouker as the new Tech Chief
  • Currently in discussion of the 2020 RX season

Road Rally Report — Leathery

Old Business

  • Recap of 2019 Year-End Banquet
  • Update sponsorship page-Mauro


  • Motorama update-Lobb
  • Bylaw edits needed – Mauro
  • An executive board meeting and combined autocross and rallycross meeting will be held in February to address the following and other issues. A preliminary discussion at this meeting would be useful: 
    • Determine the # of autocross & rallycross events
    • Determine the schedule for our autocross and rallycross programs
    • Revisions that should be made to the autocross and rallycross supplementals (including protest procedures)
    • Discussion on the type of awards for this season
  • RE Expense Motion – Landis

Comments, Announcements or Good and Welfare announcements

Motion to Adjourn

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