Meeting Minutes: Aug. 2016

Regional Meeting Minutes

August 23, 2016

The meeting was called to order by Steve at 7:30 and he asked if we had a quorum and we did. Our guest for the night was our area’s national director Terry Hanushek and his wife. Steve asked if there were any additions or corrections to the July minutes and there were none.

Alan gave the treasurer’s report and the region is solvent. There has been good attendance at the events this year which is providing good income for the region and we are anticipating a good year.

Steve gave his report on membership and it is staying at 351 for the moment. Kristen is continuing to contact members who have lapsed membership.

Kristen gave the assistant RE report and thanked the new faces at the meeting for coming. She is seeing an uptick in the website traffic due to the autocross events. She is also getting great feedback on the Squeal. The tee shirt design had some entries for it and the winning design was submitted by Doug Austin. She showed a sample without the region logo which is pretty cool design. There was discussion about the cost for an order of 60 in different sizes and Alan moved to order them which were seconded with all in favor so an order will be placed.

Kristen has been e-mailing the members that have allowed their membership to expire and asking if they could explain why so the region could address any or if problems that might have caused them to not renew.

Kristen also reported on the search for new venues to hold events for autocrosses. We have checked out the Penn State HBG campus lot in Middletown and the school is happy with the level of insurance SCCA is able to provide so the lot could become a future site. There was also discussion about York Fairgrounds which has been used in the past for possible consideration. It was decided that we will scout that lot for consideration.

Geoff reported on the upcoming double-header autocrss event on September 11th at the Farm Show lot and that everything has been going well for the year.

John gave his report on the rallycross and they had an event at the beginning of the month which was their best one yet with attendance, but on the downside they did have an incident with a car hitting a pole and suffering some damage. This brought up discussion about event procedures and insurance. Kristen also mentioned that the rallycross events are still looking for a registration person to volunteer and asked if anyone is interested to please do so.

Under old business, there was nothing on Facebook but Kristen did mention about the new group for rallycross and that the current page will be removed prior to the next member meeting.

Under new business Ed mentioned that he would like someone to take over the position of Secretary since he is active in other things and after 2 years would like to step down. Anyone interested can contact Steve or Kristen about filling the position in the upcoming election.

There was a short break before our guest Terry would speak.

Terry said it was good to be back at the region meeting and it only seemed like last month that he was here in support for his election to the board of directors. He discussed his position on the BOD and he will not be a 3 term member since the directors are limited to only 2 terms. So if re-elected this will be his last term on the BOD.

Terry reported that a lot of things have been happening lately and for those who haven’t heard the President and CEO, Lisa Noble had resigned as well as the president of pro racing. The board has already replaced the pro racing position, with Mike Collins, who is from the DC area and is know by many of the road racers in this area. The F4 series is now up and running since it had to cancel the first couple of events due to lack of cars.

Terry mentioned that there might possibly be changes in the 2017 structure of classes and that the solo 2 events are at an all time high. The Solo 2 championship is already over subscribed for the event with a maximum number of cars allowed for the event at 1300 and already 1350 entries.

Membership-wise the club is seeing a rise in members with the number is now in the 47,000 range. Also this is the second year of the track night program which is going quite well for participation.

There was discussion amongst the members and Terry about the changes at the top of the national office for a short time.

Dave made a motion for adjournment which was seconded by Kristen and the meeting was ended but Terry would be there for a short time to talk with anyone if they would like to.

Respectfully submitted — Ed Womer, Secretary

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