Meeting Minutes: June 2016

Regional Meeting Minutes

June 28, 2016

The meeting was called to order by Steve at 7:30 and I was still eating my dinner so Steve started at the end of the meeting and worked back to allow me to finish my Gyro dinner.

There was no old business and under new business there was discussion about a possible trailer for the timing people to work out of for events.

Alan gave the treasurer’s report and the club has money even though there was no income last month but we are still doing OK. There was discussion about raising the fee/cost of registration.

Steve gave the membership report and the region is down slightly from the 374 to 353 but have added 20+ new members and he and Kristen are still contacting the members that have let their membership lapse, hopefully by accident.

Kristen gave the website report and things are staying constant on the # of hits for the website. There was discussion about web stuff.

Doug gave his report on the social media stuff and everything seems to be quiet. There was discussion about the autocross as well as rallycross group/page. The rallycross page will be transferring to a group in the near future.

Geoff gave his report on the autocross and the recent events that had great weather as well as a great turn out for the events. Doug talked about the changes to the driver’s meeting and it seemed to go OK. Geoff said it was nice to see all the help from everyone for the event! There was also discussion about alternate sites including airports. Henry talked about some of the sites the club has used in the past. Geoff also asked if he could get 40 more cones to replace the damaged ones.

Markus talked about the equipment as well as the club truck with its leak and coolant problem. There was discussion about timing systems for events.

Ed mentioned that he heard the old go-kart track the club had used in the past might be coming up for sale in Perry County.

Henry talked about a possible food truck for events and the charges from both Hershey and the Farm show for gross receipts.

Kristen talked about trophies for the events and we might get low on them for the remaining events and the possible amount that we should order. There was discussion about car ID issues and concerns and also about car #’s and how best to mark the cars at the events so they can be clearly seen by the station workers’ as well as timing. Also there was discussion about radio talking and how to do conversations etc. on the radios. There was more discussion about a trailer for registration and timing at the events.

John talked about the recent rallycross that had 29 cars and also about the next event the coming month. There was discussion about expenses versus costs for the rallycross events.

Kristen talked about the fact that Russ Addie is doing video taping of the autocross as well as the rallycrosses to help produce videos for the region.

John talked about a possible link to rallycross events for the competitors, etc. He would also like help with registration for rallycross events.

Kristen and Geoff talked about possibly acquiring club tee shirts and there was discussion about design and logo for a tee shirt.

Henry made a motion for adjournment and was seconded but Kristen.

Respectfully submitted — Ed Womer, Secretary

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