Meeting Minutes: Nov. 2016

Regional Meeting Minutes

November 22, 2016

November meeting called to order by Steve at 7:30 and he mentioned some faces that he doesn’t normally see and thanked them for attending.

Steve asked if everyone had read the minutes posted and said that he would like to amend the posted minutes to change the reimbursement of the year-end awards party to only those of members and one guest. Non-members would pay full amount. The reason is the interpretation per IRS rules and the possibility of the region losing its tax exempt status. October minutes were approved with this amendment.

Alan gave the treasurer’s report and as of 10/30/16 everything looks great. He noted not having the last events income/expense as well as the sale of merchandise income of $1100 (tee-shirts) and having autocross expenses that show a loss. But with income from events to come in, everything looks great.

Kristen had no assistant RE report, but the Squeal continues to do great.

Steve gave the membership report and it seems to be holding at around 351. Kristen is still contacting members who lapse.

Geoff gave the report on autocross and was very impressed on how the last event went and how great it was. Both days had sold out in advance but members coming out were allowed to enter the event. Geoff mentioned that Marcus had a flawless day with the equipment and had no failures. He also thanked Alan for the great job performing as central scrutinizer, which helped the event move along nicely. There was discussion about other lots being looked at for possible future events.

Chris then talked about his trailer research done for a future purchase and his spreadsheet that he had developed for information. The ideas were discussed about things wanted as well as needed for a successful unit for the region. A concern was the possibility of not getting some features when purchased but relying on members to do the work to install some things, and the possibility of it not being completed in time for next season. The board will also be looking at the features required at its next meeting.

John reported that the rallycross season is over for the year and someone asked about winter events which he said had not even been considered.

Doug said that there was nothing new about Facebook and the planning for the awards banquet are proceeding well. The cost for the attendees was discussed along with the issue of the interpretation of the IRS rules and what it would allow for this event. Alan made a motion that there be a charge of $10 for members and one guest of a member and a $40 charge for non-SCCA members or additional guests. There was a vote by the board members and approved so the motion passed.

The election of new officers and board members was next up and Steve asked if there any new nominations to be added, and there were none. There was only one position that had more than one nomination for the board position, which was Director. A vote between Bryan Roper and Marcus Houser produced an edge for Bryan who was named the next director. The remaining positions were elected as nominated:

  • Regional Executive: Kristen Poole
  • Assistant Regional Executive: Doug Austin
  • Treasurer: Alan Lesher
  • Secretary: Brian Holmes

Steve then mentioned that Charlie Demmy had submitted his resignation from his director position on the board, which allowed Steve to make an appointment to fill the vacant position. He appointed Marcus to Charlie’s vacant position. Bryan thanked Charlie for all of his support over the years with the autocross program.

Kristen then asked about Alan Posner and Steve said that he doing OK but still in a facility for rehab. If anyone would like to call him his cell # is 717-343-7708 and you could then find out where he is if you would like to visit him since he has been moved since being admitted to the hospital. Kristen made a motion that the region should send something to Alan and Ed seconded the motion which then passed.

There was a motion to adjourn by Kristen and seconded by Geoff and the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted — Ed Womer, Secretary

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