Meeting Minutes: August 2017

August 23, 2017

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:30 by Kristen Poole. July 2017 minutes approved as posted.

Monthly Reports:

Membership report by Kristen Poole: Membership is at an all-time high of 411. We started the year at 350 members. Our highest month of 2016 was April with a member count of 374.

Treasures report by Alan Lesher: Income and distribution for both autocross and rallycross were reviewed. The club is on track with last year’s income and distributions.

Assistant RE report by Doug Austin: The Tire Rack Street Survival School that is being held on 9/16/17 is looking for additional instructors. Instructors will be responsible for teaching teen drivers Avoidance Skills in an autocross fashion. If anyone is interested reach out to Doug and he will put you in contact with the correct people.

Autocross report by Solo Chair Chris Benfer: Chris is working on a design that will be group input changed for the September 10th Farm Show events. Chris is also attending an event in the Philly region and will be getting with their designer, Eric Simmons, for pointers and direction. Chris has reached out to the person who submitted the best trailer quote. That company is located in Chambersburg. He is working with them to set up a time they can get together and discuss the quote.

Rallycross report by John Roscinski: The last event went well. All of the timing issues appear to be worked out. There were 42 participants at the last event. Equipment was rented to maintain the lot for the event. We were able to do lot maintenance prior to the event, some last min fixes were done day of, and the track was addressed again after the event in hopes no additional work will need to be done before the next event

Social Media Presence Report by Doug Austin: Club Facebook group participation is holding steady. Rallycross Facebook group membership and participation saw a substantial increase prior to the last event. A suggestion was made to place the autocross & rallycross events into Facebook as events instead of reminder posts. Doug will place the next club events into Facebook as Events.

Squeal Report by Kristen Poole: The Squeal newsletter continues to be positively received. We are currently seeing a 35%-40% open rate on the monthly newsletter email.

Old Business:

  1. Truck repairs/replacement: Marcus made some calls on the trucks that were referred to him for consideration. The trucks researched are not going to work for our needs Marcus has pulled a list of used UHaul trucks and will be working with Brian Holmes for mechanical review. No repairs have been made to the existing truck. The truck is still “drive-able” but it is not worth the amount the repairs would cost.
  2. Sponsorship Packages: The sponsorship package sheets that were handed out last month were reviewed and minor revisions completed. A motion to accept as written was made and seconded. The official sponsorship packages have been adopted for the 2018 season.
  3. EZ-Up Purchase: EZ-Up and comparable brands were researched. The approximate cost of a 10×20 that would be used at registration is just over $1000. The approximate cost of a 10×10 that would be used by the truck to cover equipment and announcers would be around $200. A motion to purchase a 10×10 & 10×20 was made. The motion was seconded and carried.

New Business:

  1. National came out with Promo Brochures. These are to be given to people looking at becoming members. 100 brochures were ordered. 50 were given to Tracy Holmes, Membership Chair, and 50 were placed into the registration tub to be given out at events.
  2. National came out with Recruitment Kits. These kits have been tested at 4 different regions with great success. Kristen has ordered 2 free kits, one to be used with RX and the other to be used with AX.
  3. The National Convention is coming up in Las Vegas Jan. 18-20, 2018. According to National, Susquehanna Region has not had a representative at the conference for over 3 years. Since we have not gone in over 3 years National will comp 1 person. With the Ascender’s Program, if we have 3 people go, National will comp a 4th person. Kristen would like to send several people to represent the Susquehanna Region at the National Conference. The board will discuss possible attendees at the next meeting. You do not have to be a board member to represent the Susquehanna Region at the National Convention.

Motion to Dismiss @ 20:07 seconded and accepted.

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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