Meeting Minutes: March 2017

March 28, 2017

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:31 by Kristen Poole.

February meeting minutes accepted as published.

Current member count as of the meeting was 375 members, the highest on record.

February treasury report was good and the club is in good financial shape.

Assistant RE Doug Austin reported we are still working with PSU on potential lot use to fill in our canceled event at Farm Show.

In the autocross report, co-chair Geoff Craig reported the first two events of the year went great. Our next event is scheduled the 28th of May, which is Memorial Day weekend. This is a double header event at Farm Show.

Autocross registration chief Zach McCune, brought forth a motion to purchase two iPad or Android devices for the registration process as using such made the registration process a huge success at the Hershey events. The motion was passed unanimously.

No further discussion was had on the trailer and it has been tabled for the time being.

In the rallycross report, chair John Roscinski reported the Farm Show upper lot needs work done prior to the first RX event and equipment will need to be rented.

Under old business, a vote of the member and board at the meeting was had and by-law revisions passed unanimously.

Under new business, Kristen brought up the need to search for a potential new venue to hold our monthly meetings as our meetings have been moved to a public area and it is difficult to conduct the clubs business in that environment. Doug Austin agreed to look into possible venues.

Kristen also brought up for discussion the possibility of finding ways to give back to our autocross and rallycross chiefs for the time and dedication they show the region. The response was favorable and the discussion was tabled for future consideration.

Before adjourning, member Russ Addie brought up the possibility of running karts in Susquehanna region for continued discussion. Several region members and board members contributed to the discussion, which was tabled for continued consideration in the future.

Meeting Adjourned @ 20:11

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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