Meeting Minutes: April 2017

Apr 24, 2017

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:30 by Kristen Poole. March meeting minutes were accepted as published.

Kristen gave the membership report. It’s at an all-time high of 393.

Treasurer’s report for March was given by Alan Lesher.

Doug Austin provided status on locating a new meeting venue. Due to fluctuating attendance numbers, some venues had to be removed from the possibilities list. Doug will continue efforts to locate a new venue.

A tentative date of January 13, 2018 has been set for our 2017 end-of-year banquet. Doug Austin has been working on locating potential new venues for the banquet as well.

We are still working with Penn State Harrisburg to set a firm date for some kind of autocross event this year. Event information will be provided once finalized.

The autocross report was given by Geoff Craig. Previous events have been successful. Our next event is a double-header at Farm Show, scheduled for May 28, 2017.

Rallycross report was given by John Roscinski. The school and first event of the season went great. The Elmerton lot will need repair prior to the next event. The school had a total of 14 students enrolled. The first event saw a total of 40 participants, which is maximum for the lot.

Doug Austin reported the Facebook groups have seen increased positive activity.

Squeal publication responsibilities have been transferred from Kristen Poole to Melissa Mauro, and are going well.

The possibility of club t-shirts and/or polo shirts was discussed. Doug agreed to post a poll on Facebook to gather votes on which is preferred.

The possibility of getting generic business cards was discussed. They would be given at events to non-members or those who show interest in joining. The conversation was tabled for future discussion.

Meeting was adjourned @ 20:37

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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