Meeting Minutes: July 2018

July 26, 2018

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:32 by Kristen Poole. Prior minutes approved as posted.

RE Report — Kristen Poole

  • Membership Report: We are at 696 members as of today, up 25 from last month.
  • Announcements:
    • Lisa Leathery is Interim Chair for a newly formed Road Rally Committee.
    • Lisa Leathery will also be Interim Chair of a newly formed Cars & Coffee Committee.
    • We are looking for help in both of these committees; reach out if interested

Monthly Reports:

  • Treasures report by Alan Lesher: AX, RX, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
  • Program Reports
    • AX report by Chris Brown:
      • Event recap – July 8 & 22 events were reviewed and timing issues discussed
      • Event recap – July 1 school.
        • Survey results were reviewed.
        • All went well and participation was high.
    • RX report by John Roscinski:
      • The next RX event is scheduled for August 18, 2018
      • TNiA Grant for Timing Equipment
        • A motion was approved for $4200 for the purchase of Race America timing equipment including 2500 TNiA grant
        • Bryan Roper to finalize purchase before August meeting
  • Club Communication
    • Social Media & Web report by Doug Austin: The Facebook group continues to grow. We are currently at 1025 members.
    • Squeal Report by Melissa Mauro: Open and click rates are good.
  • Special Committee Reports
    • Venue Committee Update (Chair, Chris Brown): There are upcoming meetings and continual contact with a few different potential venue locations. More information will be coming.
    • Street Survival (Chair, Melissa Mauro): Street Survival is being scheduled for November 3rd. Melissa is to provide cost/scholarship breakdown to the board via email. Kristen to sign contract with venue.
    • Woman’s Development (Lead, Melissa Mauro): Tabled until the 2019 season.
    • North Eastern Division Mini Conference (Co-chairs, Kristen Poole & Melissa Mauro): General status was discussed; planning will kick into high gear in the next couple of months. We are actively looking for people to help plan this event.
    • Truck Committee:
      • New truck is getting vinyl graphics installed
      • The old truck has not been sold; Markus to reach out to Bill Bickle before August meeting
      • TAG system is for sale; Bryan Roper to reach out to BMR region before August meeting
    • Road Rally (Lisa Leathery): No update for July.
    • Cars and Coffee (Lisa Leathery):
      • Event is scheduled for 8/25 at the Radisson.
      • Kristen has secured insurance coverage for the event

Old Business:

  1. Banking Changes: Kristen and Alan working to finalize the last bit of paperwork for the bank account changes. Expect completion before August meeting.

New Business:

  1. No new business was discussed.

Motion to Dismiss @ 20:39 seconded and accepted.

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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