Meeting Minutes: January 2019

Jan 24, 2019

Meeting was moved at the last minute to Cordier Auctions  meeting space (thanks to Alan Lesher) due to rooms being booked at Appalachian Brewing Company.

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:45 by Kristen Poole. November minutes approved as posted.

RE Report — Kristen Poole

  • Membership Report: Currently we are at 648 members.
  • Announcements:
    • 2019 Charter Renewal: Kristen has started the 2019 SCCA Carter Renewal and has submitted all necessary paperwork to the state pertaining to board member changes. Once the paperwork from the state is received the charter can be filed with National. The deadline for renewal is 2-15-19.

Monthly Reports:

  • Treasures report (Alan Lesher): AX, RX, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
  • Program Reports
    • AX report (Chris Brown and Melissa Mauro):
      • The following chief changes will take place for the 2019 season. Brian Holmes will be the AX Solo Safety Stewart and Ben Brandt will be the AX Registration Chief.
      • We currently have 5 potential venues we are working with to schedule events for 2019. Due to venue changes and issues the 2019 schedule will not be finalized as early as previous years.
    • RX report (John Roscinski):
      • Rally Cross leadership had a meeting to review the 2018 season and decide what changes will continue into the 2019 season. The committee also looked at all the equipment currently in use and what needs changed/replaced.
      • The RX team set 2 new permanent positions starting this season. Eric Ford will hold the Worker Chief position and Keith Pizio will hold the Novice Chief position. Nick Landis will co-chair the program with John Roscinski for the 2019 season.
      • RX will be running at the Farm Show lot and Spooky Nook for 2019.
  • Club Communication
    • Web report (Jake Limm): Everything is going well. Updates and changes to the website have been made to update and secure the website. Visits to the site are down, this is due to it being the off season. Jake fully expects click rates to improve once the season gets started.
    • Facebook Report (Kristen Poole): Things are going well. No noticeable increase/decrease in members. We are looking for someone to take over ownership of the Facebook Page. If you are interested, please reach out to Kristen.
    • Squeal Report (Melissa Mauro): Open rate and click rate remain steady.
  • Special Committee Reports
    • Street Survival (Chair, Melissa Mauro): Scheduled for June 3, 2019 at the Lancaster County Training Center. Carlisle Nationals is also going on that same date. Melissa is trying to move the event due to the conflicts. More information will follow.
    • 2018 North Eastern Division Mini Conference (Co-chairs, Kristen Poole & Melissa Mauro): The conference will take place at the Radisson in February 15-16, 2019. There are currently 63 participants registered. Since we are at the break-even point and we are hosting the event it was requested that we offer discounted/comped tickets to Susquehanna members. Kristen recommended comping tickets for board members, chairs, and chiefs of the Susquehanna Region and drop the cost for regular region members who want to come of their own accord. The motion made, seconded, and carried. The available sessions are posted on our website.
    • Truck Committee (Markus Houser):
      • Opaque window graphics still need replaced on the truck. Markus will schedule the installation.
      • Markus is looking into equipment that is currently in the truck to determine what needs replaced, bought, or removed. This will be discussed at the upcoming chief meeting in February.
      • The old truck is currently with the new owners. Kristen needs to transfer the title with the new owners.
    • Road Rally (Chair, Lisa Leathery): No update provided for potential 2019 event(s).
    • EoY Banquet Review (Kristen Poole): 
      • Consensus from the meeting attendees indicated the food was good and everyone liked the trophies this year.  The trophies were obtained from a SPS this year.
    • National Convention: Kristen Poole, Bryan Roper, Melissa Mauro, and Chris Brown represented the Susquehanna Region at the National Convention in Las Vegas. Three of the attending members were also presenters at the conference. Information obtained at the different presentations will be forthcoming. Bryan Roper sat in the Road Rally Safety Steward class and should be completely certified by the end of February. Kristen won the Tom Burke award for Large Regions.

Old Business:

  1. Bylaws and Supplementals (Kristen Poole): Kristen was to have the Bylaws available for vote at the February meeting. Due to attending the National Conference she was unable to get those items ready for the January Meeting. Bylaw will be updated to be in line with National. They will be provided in the February Squeal and voted on at the February Meeting. Supplementals will be provided for review and vote by program chairs before the first events of the season.

New Business:

  1. Sponsor changes for 2019: Due to personal reasons, Triton Automotive will not be renewing the title sponsorship for AX & RX for the 2019 season. Another sponsor has opted to lower the sponsorship level for the 2019 season. If anyone has any leads on possible sponsors, please see one of the program chairs. Updated sponsorship packages will be available by the February meeting.
  2. 2019 Track night in America Grant: We can apply for the 2019 TiA grant. Last year we applied and was awarded $2500 towards the purchase of new RX Timing Equipment. The deadline for applications is February 15, 2019. Suggestions surrounding what the funds should be used for if we are awarded the grant were taken.
  3. All Chiefs Meeting: The annual combined AX & RX All Chiefs and planning Meeting is scheduled for February. Since the RX team already had a chiefs meeting, they are not obligated but are permitted to attend. The meeting will determine the number of AX and RX events for the year, revisions to the respective programs supplementals, and trophies for the upcoming season. The meeting is tentatively scheduled for February 20th at 6:30pm.
  4. Expense Motion: Melissa made a motion to allow Kristen to execute contracts on behalf of the club without having to gather the board first. The board would still have ultimate say over the funds associated with these contracts. In short, the motion would allow Kristen to sign venue contracts without having to assemble the board prior to signing. The motion was seconded and carried.

Good and welfare:

  1. No items were discussed.

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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