Meeting Minutes: November 2020

Meeting called to order November 19, 2020, 19:15.  Location: ABC Brewery.
Open Voting– Jared McGahen – Floor was opened for in person voting in club elections.
RE Report– Melissa Mauro – October minutes passed as posted.
Treasurer Report

Meeting Minutes: October 2020

Meeting called to order at 19:11, October 22, 2020 at ABC.
RE Report.  Melissa Mauro. September minutes posted as is on the website.
Treasurer Report. Alan Lesher. Finances were discussed for the month of September.  Income from the autocross and

Meeting Minutes: September 2020

Meeting called to order at 19:34.
RE Report.  Melissa Mauro. Recap of Rausch Creek visit.  Venue was sighted for safety concerns, course design, and other liability issues.  Sanctions will not be made in time for a 2020 Rallysprint.  Tabled until

Meeting Minutes: August 2020

Board and chair meeting called to order at 7:24pm, 8/27/2020.

RE Report.  Melissa Mauro-July minutes passed as posted.

Treasurer Report.  Alan Lesher.  Finances were discussed from the first Autocross and Rallycross events.  Income received from Motorsport Reg.  Updates were made

Meeting Minutes: July 2020

Board meeting called to order at 19:20, 7/23/2020

RE Report.  Melissa Mauro – June minutes passed as posted with a few punctuation changes.  Two rallycross items to be addressed.  A non-member was seen on Facebook using the Rallycross course at

Meeting Minutes: June 2020

Zoom meeting called to order at 19:30

RE Report.  Melissa Mauro-April previous minutes passed as posted. No May meeting was held. By-laws were discussed to correct syntax errors.  Revisions were voted on and passed.

Treasurer Report.  Alan Lesher.  Financials were

Meeting Minutes: April 2020

Meeting called to order at 19:37, April 23, 2020.

RE Report-Melissa Mauro: Covid 19 update.  Everything remains shut down and Susquehanna is unable to host anything in this current state.
Treasury Report-Alan Lesher: Update as March 31, 2020. 

Meeting Minutes: February 2020

Meeting called to order at 19:30

RE Report.  Melissa Mauro-previous minutes passed as posted.

Treasurer Report.  Alan Lesher.  Financials were discussed.  Payments from banquets came in.
Website/Squeal Report. Jake Limm.  Squeal has slight decrease in viewing and engagement.

Meeting Minutes: January 2020

January 2020 Meeting called to order at 19:30

RE Report.  Melissa Mauro-previous minutes passed as posted. Charter renewal information must be sent to nationals with updated by-laws.

Sponsorship Report. The Zebra and Big Rents have expressed interest to be sponsors,

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