Meeting Minutes: Aug. 2013

Regional Meeting Minutes

August 27, 2013

The August Membership Meeting convened August 27, 2013 at Gilligan’s, Harrisburg, at 7:30 p.m. with Regional Executive Chris Paveglio presiding.

Alan Lesher gave the treasurer’s report. He said the region has had a lot of income from the autocrosses, and the negative income he reported for the month was due to an autocross. Autocrosses 8 & 9 were not referenced in the printed results, with 170-175 competitors total.

Alan said he’d paid for the 9/15 event at the Farm Show, and had paid the lot rental for 8/18, with the EMT paid and pretty much up-to-date.

John Rudy had a question about the region income, which was discussed at length.

Autocamp and Auto Seat Cover Company have paid their sponsorship monies.

Alan Lesher also made the motion to approve the August minutes as published in The Squeal, with Dave Walter 2nd.

Steve Limbert gave the membership report. We have 287 members, which is an increase of 4 from last month’s meeting.

Regional Executive Chris Paveglio gave the web site report. Pre-registration is open for the upcoming double event at the Farm Show on September 15th. Chris said he would be working on a web page overhaul, but this will take place late this year, or early next year. He had already changed the front page. He further thanked John Rudy for compiling and publishing The Squeal.

John Rudy (re)introduced long term member Ed Womer. Ed moved south a few years ago, but he’s back in PA and is building a homestead in Perry County. Ed has been an SCCA member for 35 years and has been active in autocross road rally and road racing. He also builds Womer Formula Vee race cars to order.

Henry Brillinger gave an excellent accounting of rallycross issues. A lengthy discussion from members present ensued.

We then transitioned to the autocross events. Autocross co- chair Geoff Craig mentioned the start time of the double event could use some improvement.

John Rudy asked why our region’s events didn’t appear on the SCCA National web site or in SportsCar. Henry Brillinger said he was working on a resolution to that issue.

RE Chris Paveglio said CBS News 21 came to the last double autocross at the Farm Show, and their presentation of the event on TV was really well done. It should give the general public a positive view of an autocross.

Henry Brillinger commented on the status of the Farm Show lot, with the removal of the jersey barriers and being cleaned up.

The Truck/Trailer committee is obtaining information from the National office with regards to the needs of our region. With National ramping up to the Pro Solo Finale and Solo National Championships, this will take place after the middle of September when they’ve had time to catch their breath after these events.

Alan Pozner asked about the possibility of having an all Honda Fit autocross session, and has thrown down the gauntlet.

John Rudy showed a 30-year-old copy of Stopwatcher from the Washington DC area. For many years the publication covered events all around the mid-Atlantic region. John referenced an article noting Susquehanna Region’s opening 1983 series event, the first of 13 that year, at the Farm Show where turnout required that we run 6 heats. Our annual autocross series were a hotbed of activity with some events drawing 200 entrants.

Alan Pozner discussed how it was when he started autocrossing 15 years ago. Back then we didn’t have a novice program as we do today.

There was more discussion about future rallycrosses.

A motion to adjourn was made by Henry Brillinger, with Steve Limbert 2nd. Meeting adjourned 8:28 p.m.

Dennis Cipriany, Region Secretary

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