Meeting Minutes: Aug. 2015

Regional Meeting Minutes

August 25, 2015

The meeting was called to order by Steve at 7:30. He talked about the death of Dennis Cipriany who was a very active member in SCCA in auto crossing, safety steward and instructing for the region. Dennis will be missed by everyone who knew him.

The last month’s minutes were approved.

Alan gave the treasure’s report and the club had income from rallycross, and membership and expenses from autocross. The club is slightly down for the year because the purchase of equipment makes it look that way, but the club is in good shape.

Henry gave his report and announced that Kristen Poole has accepted the job of publishing the region newsletter, thanks. The club still has the two Facebook sites with information pertaining to autocross and rallycross, and will now also have the newsletter for region information.

Steve talked about the number of times the newsletter could be published as some of the other regions only do newsletters quarterly and it could be done for important information only. Steve thanked both of the Marks for the job of cleaning up the website.

The membership is down to 354 from last month’s 360 and Steve has been attempting to contact members who haven’t renewed to let them know in case they have forgotten.

Geoff talked about the upcoming double autocross on 9/6/15 with set up on 9/5. When setting up for the event, they will sort out the older bad cones, to give to the rallycross group for their use. Some of the regular workers will not be available to help, so if anyone would like to help out they are welcome to come out and participate, and we will also need a safety steward to approve the course. Geoff announced that Steven Ibanez will provide refreshments for the event.

Marcus talked about live results for timing. The cost is $200 for the software and hotspot and about $340 upfront cost, and $30 monthly for approximately $360 a year. Alan made a motion to approve up to $500, which was approved.

John talked about the rally cross this upcoming weekend and that it could be a little dusty but Henry has set the water truck for the event. There was discussion about the events not breaking even on cost and they don’t usually make it, but they are close. Ed asked about possibly raising the fee for entrees to break even and there was discussion that followed about that, as well as about other sites. It was pointed out that we had earlier decided to postpone the discussion about breaking even until after the season is over.

Doug reported that there is nothing new about the website. Alan talked about sponsors spots that are available for the website.

Under new business, Alan has been using his own software for doing the financial reports and asked the board to approve authorizing spending $360 to buy new software for that task. Henry made a motion to approve spending the money. All were in favor of the motion.

Doug asked about safety steward training and who might take over since the death of Dennis but no one was sure of what will happen.

Under good and welfare Charlie mentioned that the club has two new 30 year members that are Brian Fisher and Alan Lesher.

The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectfully submitted — Ed Womer, Secretary

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