Meeting Minutes: Feb. 2015

Regional Meeting Minutes

February 24, 2015

The February 24, 2015 Susquehanna Region meeting was called to order by RE Steve Limbert at 7:30 PM. Two new people were in attendance, Jarred from Mechanicsburg and John from York, who both autocross.

Steve talked about his experience at the National Convention. He attended the autocross meetings and told
about a nationwide problem of finding lots for events. Tire Rack is the major sponsor for the SCCA events. Steve reported that there has been a drop in entries due to the economy. SCCA wants to have classes for electric and hybrid
cars due to their popularity. Steve found out that the SCCA loses 20% of its existing members every year. Also the club would like to find mentors to help new people who are starting out in autocross to guide them along, something we already do here. Steve also distributed handouts that he obtained at the convention to anyone who wanted them.

The previous month’s minutes were in The Squeal. Steve asked if there were any additions, corrections. Dave Walter moved
the minutes be approved.

Ed Womer explained why he wasn’t here for his first month as Secretary. He was in Florida for the Rolex 24 Hour event, then a few days in Key West of which the meeting night was his first day in the Keys and also his birthday.

Alan Lesher gave the treasures report and there was some income as well as expenses. Alan was not expecting any substantial income or expenses due to it being the off season for events.

Membership was reported up two for the month, so the region is bucking the national trend for this month at least.

There was no rallycross report.

Autocross Chair Geoff Craig gave his autocross report, noting that our first events of the year are coming up on March 28th and 29th at the Hershey lot.

The planned Day for the Club Truck Work day is March 14th.

After many, many years of timing, starting and a host of other duties, Anne and Charlie Demmy are retiring from club service. The club now needs to find new people to learn timing and we will start training them at our events. If you are interested in learning the timing procedures please let Geoff Craig know that you are interested.

Henry Brillinger distributed membership stuff. He also mentioned that the club will not host the autocross at the Carlisle Import show and a motion was presented to allow Blue Mountain Region to run the event in our area. Motion passed.

Dennis Cipriany will hold a safety steward training session before the start of next meeting. The club needs more people to have this training so that we will be able to hold events. If you are interested in becoming a safety steward please attend.

Markus is working on website updates.

Under old business, Henry Brillinger mentioned that we are old business!

Under new business, Alan Lesher will accept the delivery of trophy materials at his business.

Dave made a motion for adjournment and it was passed at 8:00 PM. q

Respectfully submitted, Ed Womer, Secretary

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