Meeting Minutes: Jan. 2015

Regional Meeting Minutes

January 27, 2015

Regional Executive Steve Limbert called the January 27, 2015 meeting to order at 7:30pm at Gilligan’s Restaurant.

Treasurer Alan Lesher reported on the club finances. Our year end balance increased over last year. Steve Limbert again pointed out that the by-laws require that the treasurer’s records be audited annually. Henry Brillinger reported that Larry Shaffer said that he was willing to do an audit and Steve asked Henry to have Larry Shaffer contact Alan Lesher to conduct that audit.

Steve Limbert reported that Region membership declined from 332 in December to 326 this month.

Henry Brillinger introduced a motion that: The Executive Board hereby authorizes our Regional Executive to incur the expenses and
execute such contracts and other instruments as are necessary in order to routinely operate our Autocross and RallyCross events. The Executive Board reserves the right to review for approval or disapproval such proposed expenditures as are defined by The Board as not routine. The motion was approved unanimously the by the Board members.

A meeting of the Susquehanna Region’s Executive Board as well as its Autocross and Rallycross Committees will be held on February 10, 2015 at 7:30 PM at the home of Charles and Anne Demmy.

Doug Austin volunteered to aid John Rudy in taking event photos.

Markus Houser reported that we should consider the acquisition of the following new equipment to support our autocross events: two new PCs, a new generator, and a new Race America wireless timing system. The proposal will be reviewed at the February 10 Board Meeting.

Brian Roper reported that our recent practice of running our rallycross events on Saturday worked out well because some competitors run ours on Saturday then go to other regions to run theirs on Sunday.

Steve Limbert agreed to again conduct tech inspection for club racing cars and also conduct a tech inspection school for autocross cars.

The Board approved Steve Limbert’s request to have the region reimburse him for the cost of registration, fuel and lodging to go to the SCCA National Convention on February 20 & 21.

No one has as yet volunteered to take over the operations of the autocross that the region has operated in conjunction with the Carlisle Import and Kit Nationals to take place on May 15-17. We will decide at the February 10 board meeting if we are going to continue to operate that event.

Henry Brillinger reported that he has made tentative arrangement to hold our 2015 Year End Banquet again at the Grantville Holiday on Saturday, January 16, 2016.

Henry Brillinger reported that the contract for Hershey Spring and Fall autocrosses has been received for March 28 & 29 and October 24 & 25.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Henry Brillinger, Acting Secretary

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