Meeting Minutes: Jan. 2016

Regional Meeting Minutes

January 26, 2016

January 26th 2016 Susquehanna Region meeting

Meeting called to order at 7:30 by Steve and he noticed some new people at the meeting. Minutes were approved as published.

Alan talked about the banquet and gave the expenses and income for the month.

Kristen gave the assistant RE report and said that the hits for the e-mail newsletter remain consistent.

Henry had no report on the membership but membership is maintaining at the current level.

Geoff had no report on the autocross series but mentioned that Henry had obtained the dates for events at Hershey Park with the first one being on March 26-27 and the last October 29-30.

There was discussion between the members about the dates for events and it was noted that the region does put on more events than most of the other regions in the NE. There is a meeting scheduled for autocross planning on February 9.

Geoff commented that he was very happy with the banquet and that Doug did a great job with organizing the event and Kristen produced a great program for the banquet. It was noted that there is a younger age group coming into the events put on by the region and that the older group that used to last into the evening appears to be packing it in early. So the old guys/gals need to keep up the tradition of hanging out till later.

There was discussion about the online registration and how it is going for all of the events.

John reported that there is really not a lot happening on the rallycross front but they are trying to find additional lots to hold events at. John thanked Kristen for the story on how to get started in rallycross that was in the newsletter.

Markus is working on the website and there was discussion about who does what with the website.

Steve mentioned that he had a pile of magazines from the antique auto club that were for the taking.

Under old business Doug brought up the issue with safety steward training since Dennis Cipriany is no longer with us and we need to find a way to get someone who can provide the necessary training to the stewards. Kristen asked about the trailer the region is considering but there was no new information pertaining to that.

Dave moved to adjourn and Kristen seconded.

Respectfully submitted — Ed Womer, Secretary

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