Meeting Minutes: July 2014

Regional Meeting Minutes

July 22, 2014

The Tuesday, July 22nd Membership Meeting at Gilligan’s was called to order by acting Regional Executive, Henry Brillinger, at 7:31 pm.

Alan Lesher gave the treasury report. Autocross and rallycross incomes rised net income considerably. Lot rentals for July and August events are prepaid. Finances are in good shape. Dave Walter moved and Alan Pozner seconded that the report be approved. The motion passed.

The June meeting minutes as printed in The Squeal were approved unanimously by the members present.

The Board has appointed Steve Limbert as interim Regional Executive to fill the position vacated by Chris Paveglio. Questions were raised about the transition
of the region website from Chris Paveglio. All passwords and ownership have been transitioned.

Steve Limbert reports that our membership remains high at 341.

Alan Pozner reported on the Novice Autocross School held at the end of June. It was sold out and all 24 students enjoyed themselves and gave very positive feedback. Alan thanked all those volunteers who made the school a very big success.

Geoff Craig reports that we are on schedule for two double autocross events at the Farm Show Aug 3 and 31. He asks all autocrossers to think about volunteering for one of the key management positions in timing, registration, course design, grid, novice chief or worker chief as we have had several members who have left those positions. Geoff will be holding course design classes on the Saturday before each of the next two event weekends. SO, if you want better courses, now is the time to step up. You might find that it’s not as easy as it seems.

There was a discussion of bugs in the timing software and Mark Houser promised a rollback to a more stable older version. Ed Womer was one of the instructors at the Autocross Novice School and it hes been several years since he attended a region autocross. He was very impressed with the timing and scoring system we have now and the improved equipment.

Rallycross report – The event for July 26th is next. The last one had a bit of a rocky start but turned out well. A discussion was held concerning the amount of dust during that event as well as options for watering the course.

Newsletter – Editor of The Squeal, John Rudy, appreciates all the input but would like to have articles submitted a little earlier in the month.

Geoff Craig moved and Dave Walter seconded that we adjourn and Steve Limbert adjourned the meeting at 8:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Alan Pozner, secretary

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