Meeting Minutes: June 2014

Regional Meeting Minutes

June 24, 2014

The Membership Meeting held at Gilligans Restaurant in Harrisburg on Tuesday, June 24th was called to order by RE Chris Paveglio at 7:30. The May meeting minutes as printed
in The Squeal were approved unanimously by the members present.

Alan Lesher gave the treasurer’s report prefaced
by a fabulous poem as is his habit. Finances are in good shape although there is a net loss reported for the month. However there is substantial autocross income which will
be reported next month. There were also lots of fees prepaid for the future. Alan Pozner movred and Dave Walter seconded that the report be approved. The motion passed.

Membership chair Steve Limbert reported that the membership number continue their slow but steady climb. We are now at 343. The National membership reporting will be changing to a more electronic format and that may adjust the timing of the monthly reports.

Another successful issue of The Squeal arrived in our inboxes again this month. Remember that John rudy needs a steady supply of member written articles to keep the publication going.

Rallycross report – The events for July 6th and 26th are next on the calendar as DC Region adjusted their schedule.

John Roscinski encourages everyone to come out to our great site right up the hill from the Harrisburg Farm Show. Come see what this new and growing sport is all about. John also showed off an assortment of rallycross sticker and windshield banners that will be on sale at the events. Very professional! They would look great on your rally-inspired Subaru, Mitsubishi, Focus or Audi.

RE Chris reported that we have received the free loaner helmet from The Helmet Man.

We had an offer from local Fiat to display their cars at our events. Although the regular Fiat 500 is too tall and narrow for autocross, the Abarth version is ok and does well. Since this is just a display the membership approved it.

There was a discussion of the upcoming – and sold out – Autocross School.

Our RE, Chris Paveglio, announced his resignation as he has accepted a new position at State College, PA. He thanked the Region for allowing him to serve. There was a discussion of the transition. Henry Brillinger will act as RE until a new one can be appointed by the Board at our next meeting.

Henry Brillinger moved and Geoff Craig seconded that we adjourn and H. Brillinger adjourned the meeting at 8:05pm.

Respectfully submitted, Alan Pozner, secretary

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