Meeting Minutes: June 2021

June meeting called to order June 23, 2021, 19:08.

RE REPORT-Rich Thomas.  May minutes passed as posted.
Treasurer Report-Alan Lesher.  Income is down for the year but that is to be expected given the nature of reporting.  Other finances were discussed.  Lot rentals paid until the end of July.
Membership Report-Jared McGahen.  11 new members.  Currently at 453 members.  3 expired members.
Website/Squeal-Jake Limm.  35% Open rate in squeal newsletter.  Overall trending well in open rates and views.
Facebook Report– Jared McGahen. 34 new members approved.  5 declined request.  Two percent increase in membership.
Autocross Report-Melissa Mauro, Chris Brown.  5/22 and 6/12 events went well.  New safety measures in place seem to be working.  Discussion of having policy in place to remove participants for inappropriate behavior.  Discussion of Fiat event on 6/26 and request for volunteers was made.  Discussion on how to help novices was had including reintroducing the novice taxi.
Rallycross Report-John Roscinski, Nick Landis.  45 people registered for the next event.  Motion made by Nick Landis for a water truck application fee and the subsequent water for the next event, motion seconded, and passed unanimously.
Rallysprint Report-Nick Landis.  4 currently registered for the July 11 Rallysprint.  Price is now $225.  10 participants is the minimum requirement to hold the event.
Road Rally Report-Melissa Mauro.  No Fulton County rally to be held in the fall of 2021.  Efforts being made to look into other locations for it.
Old Business-Marcus Houser.  Radios need upgrade to replace old worn out units.  Motion made to allocate $500 for a new radio system, seconded and passed unanimously.
Old Trophies-Alan Lesher.  Alan to donate old trophies to local museums.
Loaner helmets-Loaner helmets still to not be given out.  Discussion was to have rental users use head socks in the future to keep them clean.  Motion made to purchase a box of head socks for $35, seconded, passed.
New Business-none

Meeting adjourned at 19:56.

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