Meeting Minutes: May 2014

Regional Meeting Minutes

May 27, 2014

The Membership Meeting at Gilligan’s on Tuesday, May 27th was called to order at 7:30pm. As Regional Executive, Chris Paveglio, was on vacation, Assistant RE Henry Brillinger called the meeting to order.

Alan Pozner moved and Geoff Craig seconded that the April meeting minutes
as printed in The Squeal be approved; the motion passed.

Alan Lesher gave the treasury report. Finances are in good shape. There was an additional autocross expense as we upgraded our timing software. There were additional truck expenses (tires, etc). A discussion was held lead by Henry Brillinger about income reporting.

John Rudy reported that The Squeal has been published a little later than usual but was distributed to the membership prior to the meeting.

Henry reported that we have received a donated, new helmet from The Helmet Guy and we will be listing him as a sponsor in The Squeal. Also, a host of NASCAR haulers will be stopping at the Farm Show on the way to Pocono.

Autocross report – Geoff Craig reports that we are getting short on chiefs. We need volunteers for Registration Chief, Timing Personnel and a Worker Chief.

Dave Walter reported that Cumberland Valley Corvette Club has secured a new lot at the York Harley Davidson plant. The first event is scheduled for June 15th and all are welcome. Alan Pozner reported on the upcoming autocross school.

The date is June 28th. He made another plea for volunteer instructors. Please contact him at or 717-343-7708.

John Roscinski reported that for future rallycrosses they are thinking of moving the starting line to a different location on the lot. Rallycross insignias are for jale – please see John at an event for details. It was pointed out that a big event at West Virginia conflicts with our scheduled 3rd rallycross event. It was decided that we will reschedule.

Steve Limbert reported that membership continues to grow. We are now at 340.

Alan Lesher talked about a Pennsylvania Hillclimb Association event at Summit Point and that the Jefferson Circuit is being refurbished with a 1⁄2 mile extension of the straight.

Steve Limbert moved and Dave Walter seconded that we adjourn and Asst. RE Brillinger adjourned the meeting at 8:45pm.

Respectfully submitted, Alan Pozner, secretary

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