Meeting Minutes: Oct. 2013

Regional Meeting Minutes

October 22, 2013

The October meeting was convened at Gilligan’s on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at 7:27.

Alan Lesher gave the Treasurer’s report.

Henry Brillinger announced that the Region has 286 members, one less than as last month.

Since we already have 104 entrants for Saturday’s autocross, a discussion was held on how
we should handle walkups when we have more walkups ups than we can allow to enter. We specified a closing time for both Tech Inspection and Registration of 8:45 AM so Kate can be strict about not allowing entries after the 8:45.

A discussion about the direction of active Solo Safety Stewards came to the conclunsion that we need someone to schedule them. Henry will provide Alan Lesher and John Rudy with a list of qualified Region Safety Stewards.

Nominations were opened for Region Executive Board members. The following members were nominated:

  • Regional Executive – Chris Paveglio
  • Assistant Regional Executive – Henry Brillinger
  • Treasurer – Alan Lesher
  • Secretary – Alan Pozner
  • Executive Board member for 3 years – Markus Houser

Meeting adjourned at 8:11.

Henry Brillinger, Acting Secretary

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