Meeting Minutes: Oct. 2014

Regional Meeting Minutes

October 28, 2014

Regional Executive Steve Limbert called the October 28th membership meeting to order at Gilligan’s Restaurant at 7:30 PM.

Alan Lesher gave the treasury report. All is well for the rest of the year.

Steve Limbert reported that membership stands at 334. Geoff Craig reports that the last two autocross events were very good with strong attendance numbers.

Mark Houser needs some additional and replacement equipment for autocross and rallycross timing. A discussion took place about replacement PCs. And a discussion was held on truck tires.

Steve Limbert discussed autocross coverage in SportsCar magazine.

Rallycross – John Roscinski reports that we had a good event with 24 competitors at Rallycross #4. Results for the year will now be tallied for year-end trophies.

Ed Womer opened a discussion of transponder for autocross.

John Rudy discussed the next Squeal regional newsletter and asks everyone to submit articles to him either as text or MS Word documents. Send submissions to

The year-end trophies and other official business will be discussed during the annual E-board meeting on Dec. 9th.

Nominations were opened with the following nominees:

  • Steve Limbert for RE
  • Henry Brillinger for Asst RE
  • Alan Lesher for Treasurer

Nominations will be reopened at the November 25 meeting with election immediately following the close of nominations. The Secretary position and 3-year Director position remain open. Director Markus Houser has two years and Director Geoff Craig have one year terms remaining.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:23 PM.

Respectfully submitted Alan Pozner, Secretary

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