Meeting Minutes: Sept. 2013

Regional Meeting Minutes

September 24, 2013

The September meeting was convened at Gilligan’s on Tuesday, September 24, 2013 at 7:27.
Alan Lesher gave the Treasurers report and announced that all sponsors were paid up to date. Steve Limbert announced that the Region has 287 members, the same as last month.
A discussion of the Rallycross at the Farm Show lot on Elmerton Ave included the following:

  • While there are porta-johns located within a 1/10 of a mile of the field, it was decided to rent one for our use.
  • There was no objection to limiting entries to 35.
  • The Farm show will install stanchions and banners for us at the rallycross site.
  • The cones that we use for rallycross are now located at John Roscinski’s garage rather that at the Hershey storage facility as in the past.

A discussion of our autocross events included the following:

  • The farm show will likely agree to move the Jersey Barriers to positions according to our requirements.
  • Geoff Craig said the Jersey barriers could be moved to allow us to reverse the course for the second event of the day.
  • Concern was expressed about our not following a schedule for the operation of our events.

It was concluded that we need a race director to oversee operations.

Alan Pozner accepted the newly created position of autocross race director.

We at times have registered more entries than we said we would. One of our problems
is the number of walk-ups we experience and the fact that they at times cause us to exceed the number of entries we establish as a maximum. The practice of allowing walk-ups that exceed the maximum should cease.

The maximum number of entries we will accept should be clearly and widely publicized.
The question was raised about finding Region members who have EMT licenses to meet the Farm Show’s requirement for EMT coverage. It was decided that we should continue to hire professional EMT’s.

Meeting adjourned at 8:32.

Henry Brillinger, Acting Secretary

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