Meeting Minutes: Sept. 2015

Regional Meeting Minutes

September 22, 2015

The region meeting was called to order by Steve at 7:30. Steve asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes and Charlie mentioned that Ed had incorrectly spelled Brian Fritzler name, sorry.

Alan did not give a detailed report due to the fact that this month’s meeting was held in the restaurant area and was not really a closed meeting. The region did lose a little money for the month but rallycross actually made money on the last event. Alan talked about hearing about a divisional rallycross series and the region should look into it due to the events being two day events with a larger turnout.

Steve reported that membership was down a few members from last month and that he is trying to contact those who had let their membership laps so they could know about it and renew if they had overlooked renewing their membership.

Alan made an addendum to his treasures report by mentioning that he had received sponsorship money for the year from most of the region’s major supporters.

Geoff gave his report on autocross and the next events will be on October 24th and 25th at the Hershey lot. The last event did have good attendance even though its date was up against nationals being held in Nebraska. Geoff mentioned that Kristen did a great job as worker coordinator for the event as well as other members who helped fill the many needed valuable worker jobs. Geoff also talked about members coming out for the October event and hoped there will be a good turnout for the event. There was discussion about the EMT person’s condition from a past event incident and that the person is OK.

Marcus talked about replacing the leaking roof vent in the club truck and he and Alan will be working on it.

Steve talked about someone from the region attending the national convention in Las Vegas and he recommended the region send Geoff since he is so active in the autocross area. Geoff said he will check his schedule to see if he will have vacation available to use so he can attend.

John talked about the last rallycross event going OK but hopes the next event will be better. He did discuss the regional/divisional series and would like to host an event but would like to see some possible improvements to the lot first.

There was joking mention about the Squeal by our new “squealing” newsletter editor Kristen, which prompted laughter from everyone! Kristen said she will continue to send the newsletter out about one week before our regular meetings so everyone will have it in time to act as a reminder of the upcoming meeting. She said that 37% of people who received the newsletter e-mail opened it and with her report mentioned that there were even people who where overseas, as well as out of our area in America, who also viewed the newsletter. Everyone in attendance had great comments about Kristen’s new format and her great job on taking on the responsibility, and for also doing such a great job as well on being the new newsletter editor!

Steve will attempt to submit stories for the newsletter and asked everyone else to also contribute stories and any information pertaining to the region activities and members.

The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Ed Womer, Secretary

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