Meeting Minutes: January 2021

Meeting called to order January 28, 2021, 1910.  Location ABC Brewery.
RE Report-Melissa Mauro.  November minutes passed as posted.  Club charter to be renewed and sent to national office.  Annual waivers are recommended for all members.  Proposed change to sponsorships in 2021 with regards to receiving payment prior to sponsorship becoming active and recognized.
Treasurer Report.  AX and RX income was reported for the year.  Expenses for the 2020 year were discussed.  Club balance ended up being in the black for the year.  Sponsors from 2020 that paid are to be rolled over to 2021.  Dallastown cost was discussed.  PA Foodbank provided club with a thank you note from charity event.
Membership Report.  Andrew Lobb.  403 members, 10 new members.  Plans were discussed for membership promotion events in 2021.
Website and Squeal.  Jake Limm.  Decrease in web traffic but that is to be expected in the off season.  Working to make content submission for Squeal easier.  Squeal has a 30% open rate.
Autocross Report.  Melissa Mauro, Chris Brown, Rob Springer.  Looking forward to the 2021 season.  Dates were sent to the Farmshow.  Lisa Leathery has contacted 3 more venues about potential use.  Survey to be sent out to people who autocrossed in 2020 including asking if anyone is interested in helping out.  More discussion was had on increased help for novices.
Facebook Report.  Jason Felty.  39 new members, 1 decline.
Rallycross Report.  John Roscinksi. Seven dates received back from Farmshow for 2021 season.  Returning crew of workers is back.  New novice chief for 2021.
Rallysprint Report. Nick Landis.  Discussion of course setup was had.  Including making it safe for hosting an actual event.  Costs of course setup was discussed as well.  Discussion of how many participants were needed to breakeven and make a profit.  Itemized costs breakdowns were requested for final course setup.
Old Business-Time and date to be set for board meeting for trophies
New Business-Iracing league.  Motion made to spend $10 a month to setup the league.  Motioned seconded, voted unanimously and passed.
2021 Regional Board members officially appointed.
Director 1 year-Rob Springer
Director 2 year-Chris Brown
Director 3 year-Andy Bierach
Secretary-Jared McGahen
Treasurer-Alan Lesher
Assistant RE-Rich Thomas
Regional Executive-Melissa Mauro
2021 planning meeting to be had.
Motion made by Rich Thomas to allow RE to execute contracts on behalf of the region without board approval for the year of 2021.  Motion seconded and passed unanimously.

Motion to adjourn at 2021.

One thought on “Meeting Minutes: January 2021”

  1. Never knew the club existed until I found a vintage SSCA bumper badge on eBay. I’m from York and now living in Red Lion in a retirement community. It hasn’t kept me from working on LBC’s though (much to the chagrin of some of the residents I’m sure). My last resto being a 1964 AH Sprite for a friend from our church. I’ve owned everything from Morris Minors, Bug Eyes, Jaguars, and 3 MGB’s with my current 76 MGB in the garage waiting to get out this season. At this age (74 tomorrow) I’m pretty much limited to how far I can drive the B so joining and attending any meeting are probably out of the question. I’m just happy as the devil there’s still cars and clubs still out there promoting the hobby!!

    Finding the badge made me curious of the clubs existence because of how old and pitted it looks. I was sure it was a defunct club because of that so I had to do a search on the net to make sure. Just read the minutes from your January 28th meeting. And here you are!
    “Pop” Ryan

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