Meeting Minutes: January 2022

Called to order on January 27, 2022 at 7:00pm

RE Report: Melissa Mauro
• November minutes passed as posted.
• Melissa is renewing the charter with SCCA and getting the club address changed from Kristen’s address to Melissa’s
• Discussion about annual waiver – Melissa is going to put an article in the squeal on how to upload your picture to get the annual waiver
• Tom Hamm is the only current sponsor – if anyone has leads on sponsors please talk to Melissa.
• Discussion about meeting locations ensued. Mike Chilcote will take the lead on selecting future meeting locations (potentially rotating locations).

Treasurer Report: Alan Lesher
• Autocross, Rallycross, RallySprint, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.

Website/Squeal: Jake Limm
• Seen an increased open rate (43%) on the Squeal in December. In the process of making changes for 2022 on the website.
• Whenever the official 2022 event schedule is finalized, it will only take a day or two to update the website.
• If folks have pictures or videos to offer for use on the website, let Jake know.

Facebook report: Jason Felty
• Some moderation was required due to promoting events outside the region and/or self promotion.

Autocross report: Melissa Mauro
• Still waiting to hear from Farm Show regarding proposed dates. Hoping to hear back in the next couple of days since it’s been over a month since Melissa provided them with dates.
• There will be a planning meeting for all Chiefs and Board Members at a future date
• Melissa would like to discuss possibility of having program-specific Membership Chiefs rather than club-wide Membership Chair
• Autocross needs to look at having more safety stewards
• Always looking for venues – please let Chris and/or Melissa know if you know of any potential sites

Rallycross report
• None

RallySprint report
• None

Road Rally
• None

New Business:
• Melissa Mauro – National is encouraging clubs including a welcoming statement regarding use of social media. Melissa would like to consider editing club bylaws or supplementals to reflect these updates.
• Mike Chilcote – Made a motion to allow the Regional Executive to execute 2022 contracts on behalf of the region without the Board’s approval. Chris Brown seconded, and the motion was approved by the Board.
• Markus Houser – Need to order 4 more camera stands. Markus is interested in AXWare, can provide provide training to members.
• Mike Chilcote and Adam Dellinger plan to organize a scavenger hunt-style road rally during summer 2022. Stay tuned for more details.

Meeting adjourned at 8:03pm

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