Meeting Minutes: July 2022

Meeting called to order on July 28, 2022 at 7:07pm

  • Minutes from the June meeting were approved as posted
  • RE Report: Melissa Mauro
    • No new report
  • Treasurer’s Report: Alan Lesher
    • Autocross, Rallycross, RallySprint, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed
  • Membership report: Greg S
    • Susquehanna has gained 79 new region members as of 7/19
    • 5 members added in June
    • Total membership is 483 members
    • Greg created a heat map of Susquehanna SCCA member residence locations
  • Communication Report – Website and Squeal: Jake Limm
    • For the Squeal, there was slightly over 36% open rate, around 5% click through rate
    • Fair amount of engagement with news from the SCCA
  • Facebook update
    • No new report
  • Autocross Report: Melissa Mauro
    • Capitol Police attended the last event and set up a booth with video
    • Scooters are not allowed at events, this will be enforced moving forward
  • Rallycross: John Roscinski
    • Ran an event despite the heat, ran well, no incidents
    • Event had 32 competitors, and got in 8 runs
    • Ran expedited format, completed by around 3pm.
    • Ken is going honor his commitment through the end of the year for pulling the drag beam and novice chief
  • RallySprint: Nick Landis
    • Two sponsors signed up to support the program
    • Have an event coming up Aug 6-7
      • Two day event is now changed to a single day event (sat only)
      • Projected loss of $700 for the event
      • There are enough volunteers signed up to help.
    • A media production company reached out to Nick to highlight 1-2 racers from garage to racetrack. Discussions ongoing.
  • Road Rally: Mike Chilcote
    • Dave C has passed nearly all his tests required for Safety Steward
    • Goal of 30-40 teams to register
    • Fort Hunter could be an option, or potentially some PA State Parks
    • Jason Felty has a spot in Perry Co he is willing to let us use as a home base for start/finish, but will just needs help setting up a big tent and for the club to provide a porta-john.
  • Old Business
    • None
  • New Business
    • None
  • Meeting adjourned at 8:15

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