Meeting Minutes: March 2022

March 2022 Membership Meeting

SCCA – Susquehanna Region

  • Meeting called to order on March 24, 2022 at 7:12pm
  • Minutes from the February meeting were approved as written
  • RE Report: Melissa Mauro
    • New paid sponsors on board for 2022
      • Darian Taggart – Performance Detailz
      • Fort Pitt Capital
      • Stock insurance
      • Clinton Savings Bank
  • Treasurer’s Report: Alan Lesher
    • Autocross, Rallycross, RallySprint, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
  • Membership report: Melissa Mauro
    • Susquehanna has gained 34 new region members since January
    • Total membership is 482 members
    • 400 members makes us a “large” region
  • Communication Report – Website and Squeal: Jake Limm
    • 42% open rate for Sequel, about 3% click through for squeal
    • Website update – event dates for the three major programs are on the website
    • Website is currently broken on mobile, however if you users refresh the site then it will load fine
      • Jake is investigating, everything is up to date
    • New sponsors are on the website.
  • Facebook update: Jason Felty
    • RallyCross and RallySprint Facebook page approved 33 new members
  • Autocross Report: Mellissa Mauro
    • Annual tech – might try to do this in conjunction with first event for autocross
    • Farm show contracts are signed
    • Sanctions are through and submitted to National
    • Melissa is looking into to see if she can be a safety steward. As RE, she can’t sign off on herself so she is in contact with divisional safety steward Jim Gary to issue approval
    • Club Truck cleanup. Need to figure out a weekend to do that work. Discussion ensued.
      • April 3rd tentative date
  • Autocross has a new venue for smaller group
    • Once agreement is finalized, leadership will let the club know.
    • Because of the layout, it will be a smaller group (maybe 50-75 cars) and set up more like a test and tune type of event.
  • Chris Brown was approached by the PA Hillclimb Association to collaborate on an event similar to a Track Sprint/Time Trial
    • This will be held on the Saturday and Sunday of Memorial Day weekend.
    • Competitors can run anything – no rollbar required
  • Chris Brown reported that Autocross will start a “Pro class” this year, available to anyone that had a top 15 PAX finish, will be allowed to run in the “pro” class. This will allow for additional competition between top drivers and shake up the classes a little bit
  • Rallycross: John Roscinski
    • Sanction requests are in
    • Events will be on MSR soon
  • RallySprint: Nick Landis
    • All events are sanctioned and events are in MSR and shared across Facebook.
    • Planning on a testing date for core members next Saturday along with the Raptor group’s first event
    • All events are two days but set up as single day events in MSR so competitors don’t have to run both days in one event
    • 20 new radios were ordered and received
  • Road Rally: Lisa Leathery
    • Fulton County Barn Tour – they are open to us coming for another road rally event in late fall – probably October, or maybe November and September.
    • Scavenger Hunt Road Rally penciled in for September 24th
  • New Business
    • Ken Pierich – would like to look into getting hooded sweatshirts to use during cooler events so that participants can more easily identify who is involved as a leader. Melissa to look into pricing for this from our current shirt/jacket supplier.
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:51

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