Meeting Minutes: November 2021

November Meeting called to order November 18, 2021, 19:00
RE Report: Melissa Mauro- October minutes passed as posted.
Treasurer Report: Alan Lesher – Expenses discussed. Currently at a net profit for the year.  No major expense surprises occurred.
Website/Squeal: Jake via Melissa –  32.9% open rate, low engagement last month. Uptick in website views and new users.
Facebook report: Jason Felty- 14 approved, 4 denied. Some posts have been declined if related to self promotion. Due to Facebook changes in policy we are considering moving from public to private. Once you go private you can’t revert to public. Philly and Pitt have both been changed from public to private. Both pages are planned to go private.
Autocross report: Melissa Mauro- good season, better rhan 2020. 12 events plus opener, school, matchtour. Profitable and did well. Had incidents in beginning but added procedures which allowed us to close year with almost no incidents. Hoping to find new venues for next year.
Rallycross report: John Roscinski- Good season, 6 events. Going to checkout a new potential venue. Cone retirement on this Saturday. Farm show has been used since 2014, maintence guy Kyle has recommended bringing in fill to maintain. 2 Dump truck loads of dirt needed, about 600 to 700 (vendor in Shippensburg quoted 280 plus tax per load). Confirmed that farm show lot can be used next year. Motion pass to spend 600 on the fill dirt.
Rally Sprint report: John Roscinski – Last event allowed 15 runs, got dark and sloppy. About 2 min lap time. Challenging driving conditions. 1 incident but no injuries and nothing reported. Some work still needs done to improve the program. Sit down Meeting recommended for co-chairs. Only 2 repeats, Nonack and Hickey. Recommended to look into sending email blast for Rally sprint. Venue open to stage Rally cars but attendees are typically not full time SCCA members. Find more NASA contacts for email blast. Moving forward may be best to have at least 15 people or we don’t have the event. Emts are 100 per hour because they need ambulance, we need more attendees to offset these costs.
2022 Police event: Rich Thomas- No update.
Banquet: Melissa Mauro- Jan 15 at the Sheraton. All trophy winners picture request to Tom. Points are finalized for both programs. Bryan roper is a lazy ass! Trophy Meeting Monday the 22nd.  Perpetual on tap. Jake’s wife Natalie helping Melissa use software to design the programs. Motion for raffle prizes totalling $150, Motion passes. Sheraton rate: $30 per person, with 1 non member guest at same price. Non members for $50
New Business: Melissa Mauro- Election results:
Read by Mike Chilcote: Assistant RE- 25 votes for Rich Thomas, 36 votes for Mike Chilcote, winner is Mike Chilcote
Markus Houser – Race America, Wireless timing upgrade, upgrade 2s to 3s. About 400 per unit, totalling about 3 grand. Projected to last about 5 or 6 years. Motion up to 3 grand to upgrade t links from 2s to 3s. Motion passes.
Meeting adjourned at 19:58

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