Meeting Minutes: September 2020

Meeting called to order at 19:34.
RE Report.  Melissa Mauro. Recap of Rausch Creek visit.  Venue was sighted for safety concerns, course design, and other liability issues.  Sanctions will not be made in time for a 2020 Rallysprint.  Tabled until 2021.  Discussion made to create Rallysprint as a separate program going forward.
Treasurer Report.  Finances were discussed for the month of August.  Income from the Autocross and Rallycross events was brought in.
Membership Report. Andrew Lobb. 15 new members in August. Currently at 417 total members.  Motion made to allow discount code to be generated for new members to entice new members to come out to events.  $5 per event for 50 members.  Motion seconded and passed.
Social Media Report. Jason Felty.  28 new members to the Facebook group.  No issues to report.
Autocross Report.  Chris Brown, Rob Springer, Melissa Mauro.  Recap of events 3&4.  Logistical issues were discussed in regards to using the upper lot.  Event ran smoothly.  Next event to be a joint event with NEPA region.  NEPA to pay $10 for Susquehanna member that attended the joint Pocono event.  Susquehanna agreed to reciprocate.
Rallycross Report.  Nick Landis & John Rosckinski.  Recap of first event.  Event went well with no major issues to report.  Next Rallycross event 9/26 with event over cap. Motion made to have final Rallycross event a points event in the morning and a charity event in the afternoon vs a full charity event.  All but one member present voted for the event to  be a half day points event, and a half day charity event, with Nick Landis voting full day charity, and no points event.
Road Rally.  Melissa Mauro.  After speaking with Lisa Leathery, due to COVID, there will be no events in 2020.
Old Business-Melissa Mauro. Motion made for 5 safety vests at $25/vest for the Rallycross & Autocross safeties was made, seconded and passed.
New Business-Melissa Mauro. Discussion of board voting and nominations for next meeting.  Discussion to make one of the three board positions solely a Rallycross member with the other two being dedicated Autocross members.  Further explanation is to be drafted as to the duties of the director positions.
                   Rob Springer.  Shirt design needed for 2021.
                   Jared McGahen.  Discussion of safety protocols and incident reporting was addressed for any potential future incidents.
Meeting adjourned at 21:45.

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